Four Credit Card Features to Consider when Shopping | CTFA Exam Preparation

Out of the Four Credit Card Features to Look for

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They say it pays to shop around and when it comes to credit cards that are certainly true. Regardless of which category they fall into, there are basically four credit card features to look for. Which of the following is/are out of those features?



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A. B. C. D.


When it comes to credit cards, there are various features to consider while choosing the best one for your financial needs. Among these features, four are especially important:

A) Annual Fees: This is the fee charged annually by the credit card issuer for maintaining the account, irrespective of whether the card is used or not. Some credit cards do not charge any annual fee, while others may charge a fee ranging from a few dollars to several hundred dollars.

B) Rate of Interest Charged on Account Balance: This is the interest rate that is charged by the credit card issuer on any outstanding balance that remains unpaid at the end of the billing cycle. This rate can vary significantly between different credit cards and can depend on the creditworthiness of the cardholder. A lower interest rate is generally more favorable as it means less money paid in interest charges over time.

C) Length of the Expiration Period: This refers to the length of time that rewards points or other benefits associated with the credit card are valid. Some credit cards may offer rewards that expire after a certain period, while others offer rewards that never expire.

D) Method of Calculating Balances: This refers to how the credit card issuer calculates the balance that is subject to interest charges. Some issuers may use the average daily balance method, while others may use the adjusted balance or previous balance methods.

Based on these features, it is important to shop around and compare credit cards to find the one that best meets your needs. None of the options mentioned in the question are out of the four key features to consider when choosing a credit card.