AWS Cloudhub Implementation for Multiple VPN Connections | Exam 'ANS-C01' Answer

False Statement in Implementing AWS Cloudhub for Multiple VPN Connections

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Which of the following statements about the implementation is false, when implementing AWS Cloudhub for multiple VPN connections?



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - C.

The AWS documentation mentions the following.

If you have multiple VPN connections, you can provide secure communication between sites using the AWS VPN CloudHub.

To use the AWS VPN CloudHub, you must create a virtual private gateway with multiple customer gateways.

You must use a unique Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN) for each customer gateway.

Customer gateways advertise the appropriate routes (BGP prefixes) over their VPN connections.

For more information on AWS VPN Cloudhub , please refer to the below link:

AWS CloudHub is a service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the process of creating and managing multiple site-to-site VPN connections. It provides a hub-and-spoke model that allows for secure communication between multiple on-premises sites and the AWS cloud.

To implement AWS CloudHub for multiple VPN connections, you need to follow several steps. First, you need to create a virtual private gateway on the AWS side, which serves as the endpoint for the VPN connections. This gateway is used to establish a secure connection between the AWS cloud and the on-premises networks.

Second, you need to create a customer gateway on the on-premises side for each site that you want to connect to the AWS cloud. This gateway is responsible for establishing a secure connection between the on-premises network and the virtual private gateway on the AWS side.

Finally, you need to configure the routing between the virtual private gateway and the customer gateways. This can be done using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is a dynamic routing protocol that allows for the exchange of routing information between different networks.

Now, let's review the statements provided in the question and identify the false one:

A. AWS Cloudhub can be used to provide secure communication between sites This statement is true. AWS CloudHub provides a hub-and-spoke model that allows for secure communication between multiple on-premises sites and the AWS cloud.

B. You need to create a virtual private gateway on the AWS side This statement is true. To establish a secure connection between the AWS cloud and the on-premises networks, you need to create a virtual private gateway on the AWS side.

C. You need to create a single customer gateway at the main site This statement is false. You need to create a customer gateway on the on-premises side for each site that you want to connect to the AWS cloud.

D. You need to use the Border gateway protocol. This statement is true. To configure the routing between the virtual private gateway and the customer gateways, you need to use the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

Therefore, the false statement in the question is C. You need to create a customer gateway on the on-premises side for each site that you want to connect to the AWS cloud, not a single customer gateway at the main site.