AWS CloudFormation Template - Previewing Changes for AWS Resource Deployment

Previewing Changes for AWS Resource Deployment


Which of the following features can be used to preview changes to be made to an AWS resource which will be deployed using the AWS CloudFormation template?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer - B.

AWS CloudFormation Change Set can be used to preview changes to AWS resources when a stack is executed.

Option A is incorrect as AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection is used to detect any changes made to resources outside of CloudFormation templates.

It would not be able to preview changes that will be made by CloudFormation Templates.

Option C is incorrect as these are groups of stacks that are managed together.

Option D is incorrect as these Intrinsic Functions are used for assigning values to properties in CloudFormation templates.

For more information on AWS CloudFormation, refer to the following URL:

The correct answer is B. AWS CloudFormation Change Sets.

AWS CloudFormation is a service that allows you to model and provision AWS infrastructure resources using templates. You can use a template to create, update, and delete a collection of resources together as a single unit, which is called a stack.

When you make changes to a stack, you must update it with the new changes. AWS CloudFormation Change Sets is a feature that helps you preview changes to a stack before you apply them. Change Sets give you a way to see how the changes will impact the resources in the stack and whether the changes will be successful.

Here's how Change Sets work:

  1. You create a Change Set from the stack you want to change.
  2. AWS CloudFormation analyzes the changes and generates a report.
  3. You review the report and make any necessary changes.
  4. You apply the Change Set to update the stack with the new changes.

Change Sets are useful because they help you avoid unexpected changes or downtime that could occur from updating a stack. Instead, you can preview the changes before making them and ensure that they will work as intended.

Let's briefly look at the other options provided:

A. AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection: This feature is used to identify differences between the expected configuration of your resources defined in your CloudFormation template and the actual configuration of your resources. Drift detection does not help you preview changes to a resource; it only identifies differences between the expected and actual state of the resource.

C. AWS CloudFormation Stack Sets: This feature allows you to deploy CloudFormation stacks across multiple accounts and regions with a single CloudFormation template. Stack Sets do not help you preview changes to a resource; they are used for deploying templates across multiple accounts.

D. AWS CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions: These functions are used within a CloudFormation template to assign values dynamically, such as referencing other resources within the same stack. They do not help you preview changes to a resource.