AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer: Understanding AWS Cost Management Tools

Accurate Information about AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer


Which statement is accurate about AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer - A.

Under the Billing and Cost Management service in the AWS management service, it is possible to use the AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer to show the status of preset budgets and to provide forecasts of estimated costs.

Option B is incorrect because AWS Budgets does not provide cost-optimization recommendations.

Option C is incorrect because this feature is not provided by AWS budgets, rather it is provided by Cost Explorer.

Option D is incorrect because it is possible to view billing information for multiple AWS accounts as long as the administrator has lawful jurisdiction over them.






Plans @


Cost Explorer into

Preconfigured views junch Cost Explorer [4

Use the preconfigured views for common spend scenarios. You can customize
any view to fit your use case.

Monthly spend by Monthly spend by Daily spend view [4
service view [4 linked account view Shows the daily
Shows the monthly a spend over last 60
spend over last three Shows the monthly days.

months, grouped by spend over last three

AWS services. months, grouped by

Linked Accounts. This
is only available for
paying account in
AWS Organizations.

Both AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Explorer are tools that help manage AWS costs, but they differ in their primary functions.

AWS Budgets is a free service that enables you to set custom cost and usage budgets that will send alerts via email or SMS when you exceed your thresholds. AWS Budgets allows you to create multiple budgets, track costs and usage trends, and forecast your estimated costs. You can set budgets based on various criteria such as accounts, services, tags, and cost allocation tags. It also allows you to create different types of budgets, including RI Utilization, Custom Cost, and Usage budgets. Additionally, AWS Budgets provides cost visualizations and dashboards to monitor and track your AWS costs.

On the other hand, AWS Cost Explorer is a paid service that provides you with a comprehensive view of your AWS costs and usage. It enables you to visualize and analyze your AWS costs and usage trends over time. You can use Cost Explorer to explore your AWS costs and usage by accounts, services, regions, tags, and more. It provides different types of pre-built cost reports that help you analyze your costs, such as daily and monthly spend, cost and usage trends, and reserved instances utilization reports. With Cost Explorer, you can also analyze your cost and usage data and predict future costs.

Therefore, the statement that is accurate is option A, as AWS Budgets uses the cost visualizations provided by AWS Cost Explorer to show the status of preset budgets and to provide forecasts of estimated costs. Option B is incorrect because while both services can provide cost forecasts, only AWS Cost Explorer provides cost optimization recommendations. Option C is incorrect because while AWS Budgets does provide a breakdown by account, it doesn't provide a breakdown by region. Option D is incorrect because both services allow you to view information for multiple accounts, provided you have the necessary permissions.