Disaster Recovery Deployment Mechanisms: Downtime Comparison

Highest Downtime Disaster Recovery Deployment Mechanism


Which of the following disaster recovery deployment mechanisms has the highest downtime?



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - D.

The below snapshot from the AWS Documentation shows the spectrum of the Disaster recovery methods.

If you go to the further end of the spectrum you have the least time for downtime for the users.

In most traditional environments, data is backed up to tape and sent off-site regularly.

If you use this method, it can take a long time to restore your system in the event of a disruption or disaster.


For more information on Disaster recovery techniques, please refer to the below URL:


Disaster recovery (DR) is a crucial aspect of cloud computing as it involves restoring IT systems, infrastructure, and applications to their operational state after an unexpected disruption or disaster. There are different deployment mechanisms for DR, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The downtime is the period during which a system or service is unavailable, and it is one of the critical factors to consider when evaluating DR deployment mechanisms. The lower the downtime, the better the DR mechanism.

Now let's take a closer look at the four DR deployment mechanisms listed in the question and see which one has the highest downtime:

A. Pilot light: The pilot light deployment mechanism is a DR strategy that involves maintaining a minimal version of the production environment. The pilot light contains a subset of critical resources that are necessary to restore the full environment in case of a disaster. When a disaster occurs, the pilot light is used as a starting point to build out the production environment quickly.

Downtime: The downtime associated with the pilot light mechanism is relatively low because the essential services are already running, and it only requires scaling up resources to restore the full environment. Therefore, the pilot light mechanism has a low downtime.

B. Warm standby: The warm standby deployment mechanism involves maintaining a partially functional duplicate of the production environment, with fewer resources than the production environment. In case of a disaster, the warm standby environment can be scaled up to meet the production environment's needs quickly.

Downtime: The downtime associated with the warm standby mechanism is higher than the pilot light because the partially functional environment needs to be scaled up to match the production environment's resources. Therefore, the warm standby mechanism has higher downtime than the pilot light mechanism.

C. Multi-site: The multi-site deployment mechanism involves replicating the entire production environment to another geographic location. In case of a disaster, the workload is shifted to the replicated environment, which takes over the role of the primary environment.

Downtime: The downtime associated with the multi-site mechanism is relatively low because the workload is shifted to the replicated environment, which is already functional. However, some data loss might occur, depending on the replication frequency. Therefore, the multi-site mechanism has low downtime.

D. Backup and Restore: The backup and restore deployment mechanism involves creating backups of the production environment and restoring them in case of a disaster.

Downtime: The downtime associated with the backup and restore mechanism is the highest among the four mechanisms because it requires the entire environment to be restored from a backup. This process can take hours or even days, depending on the size of the environment and the backup method. Therefore, the backup and restore mechanism has the highest downtime.

Conclusion: Based on the above analysis, the answer to the question is D. Backup and Restore mechanism has the highest downtime compared to the other DR deployment mechanisms listed.