Troubleshooting Slow Response Times in AWS: Identify and Resolve Issues

Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in Your AWS Application

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You have an application hosted in AWS, which sits on EC2 Instances behind an Elastic Load Balancer.

You have added a new feature to your application and are now receiving users' complaints that the site has a slow response.

Which of the below actions can you carry out to help you pinpoint the issue?



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - D.

Since the issue occurs after the new feature has been added, it could be relevant to the new feature.

Enabling Cloudtrail will monitor all the API calls of all services and will not benefit the cause.

The monitoring of CPU utilization will reverify that there is an issue but will not help pinpoint the issue.

The Elastic Load Balancer logs will also reverify that there is an issue but will not help pinpoint the issue.

For more information on custom Cloudwatch metrics, please refer to the below link:

When dealing with a slow response in an application hosted in AWS, there are several options to help pinpoint the issue. The best approach is to use a combination of monitoring and logging tools provided by AWS.

A. Using Cloudtrail to log all the API calls can help identify which API calls are contributing to the slow response time. However, this approach can be time-consuming, and the logs may not provide enough context to pinpoint the issue.

B. Using Cloudwatch to monitor the CPU utilization can help identify when the CPU usage peaked, indicating when the issue occurred. This information can help narrow down the search for the root cause. However, high CPU utilization doesn't always indicate the root cause of the slow response.

C. Reviewing the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) logs can provide insight into the traffic patterns and which resources were accessed. This information can help identify bottlenecks in the application or network that may be causing the slow response. ELB logs can also provide information about the health of the instances behind the load balancer.

D. Creating custom Cloudwatch metrics that are relevant to the key features of the application can provide more insight into the application's performance. This approach can help identify which specific features are causing the slow response and help optimize the application's performance.

Overall, a combination of these approaches can help pinpoint the root cause of the slow response time in an application hosted in AWS. It is essential to gather enough data to analyze and identify the issue accurately.