AWS Disaster Recovery Services for Achieving RTO and RPO Targets

Which AWS services can help achieve these RTO and RPO targets?

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A big fintech company has provided services to customers such as banks and governments.

One of the applications is built in AWS EC2 instance and RDS MySQL.

Its Recovery time objective (RTO) and Recovery point objective (RPO) are 30 minutes.

At the moment, it has used a warm standby disaster recovery strategy.

Which AWS services can help achieve these RTO and RPO targets? (Select TWO.)



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A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer - A, E.

There are several Disaster Recovery Scenarios with AWS according to.

In this case, its RTO and RPO are 30 minutes, which is a key to influence and choose the right AWS services to implement the disaster recovery strategy.

Option A is CORRECT: Because Route53 can help on switching the traffic to the standby when needed, which is an easy, quick and secure solution.

Option B is incorrect: Because AWS Storage Gateway is mainly used in the Backup & Restore strategy.

Option C is incorrect: Because RDS MySQL does not have Serverless feature.

Option D is incorrect: Because Amazon Glacier is a low-cost alternative mainly used for Backup & Restore strategy.

Option E is CORRECT: Because Auto Scaling Group can be useful to adjust the number of required instances to meet the capacity need.

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To achieve the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) targets of 30 minutes for a fintech company's application that is built on an EC2 instance and RDS MySQL using warm standby disaster recovery strategy, the following AWS services can be used:

A. Route53: Route53 is a DNS web service offered by AWS that can help route internet traffic to the application's endpoints in the event of a disaster. By leveraging Route53's health checks and DNS failover capabilities, the application can be automatically rerouted to a disaster recovery site in the event of a failure. This can help reduce the RTO by ensuring that the application is quickly accessible.

C. RDS MySQL Severless feature: RDS MySQL Severless is an on-demand, auto-scaling database service provided by AWS. It can help achieve the RTO and RPO targets by automatically scaling the database capacity based on the workload demand. In the event of a disaster, RDS MySQL Severless can quickly create a replica of the database in another availability zone to ensure that the RPO is maintained.

Therefore, the correct options are A and C.

Option B (AWS Storage Gateway) is not suitable for disaster recovery in this case because it is a service that is used to connect on-premises software applications with cloud-based storage.

Option D (S3 Glacier) is an object storage service that is designed for long-term data archiving rather than disaster recovery.

Option E (Auto Scaling Group) is a service that automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances in response to changes in demand. It is not suitable for disaster recovery in this case.