Blue Green Deployment: AWS Services for Application Health Detection | Exam DOP-C01

Detecting Application Health in Blue Green Deployment | AWS Services

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Which of the following services can be used to detect the application health in a Blue Green deployment in AWS.



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - D.

The AWS Documentation mentions the following.

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS Cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS.9 CloudWatch can collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms.

It provides system-wide visibility into resource utilization, application performance, and operational health, which are key to early detection of application health in blue/green deployments.

For more information on Blue Green deployments, please refer to the below link:

The correct answer is D. AWS CloudWatch.

Blue/Green deployment is a deployment strategy that aims to reduce downtime and risk by creating two identical environments, one active and one inactive. Traffic is directed to the active environment, while the inactive environment is updated with new code changes, configuration updates, or infrastructure changes.

To detect application health in a Blue/Green deployment in AWS, you can use AWS CloudWatch. AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service that allows you to collect, view, and analyze metrics, logs, and events from various AWS resources, including EC2 instances, RDS databases, Lambda functions, and more.

In a Blue/Green deployment, you can use CloudWatch to monitor the health of both the active and inactive environments. CloudWatch can help you detect any issues or anomalies in the application or infrastructure metrics, such as high CPU usage, low memory, or network errors.

CloudWatch also provides alarms and notifications, which can alert you when a metric exceeds a threshold or when an event occurs. You can set up CloudWatch alarms to notify you when the application health check fails, or when the latency or error rate exceeds a certain limit. This can help you quickly identify and address any issues before they affect your users.

In summary, AWS CloudWatch is the most appropriate service for detecting application health in a Blue/Green deployment in AWS, as it provides real-time monitoring, metrics, alarms, and notifications for AWS resources.