Secure Cloud Storage Best Practices for Sensitive Data | AWS Certified DevOps Exam Prep

Secure Cloud Storage Best Practices

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When storing sensitive data on the cloud which of the below options should be carried out on AWS.

Choose 3 answers from the options given below.



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - B,C and D.

Amazon EBS encryption offers you a simple encryption solution for your EBS volumes without the need for you to build, maintain, and secure your own key management infrastructure.

When you create an encrypted EBS volume and attach it to a supported instance type, the following types of data are encrypted:

Data at rest inside the volume.

All data moving between the volume and the instance.

All snapshots created from the volume

For more information on EBS Encryption, please refer to the below link:

Data protection refers to protecting data while in-transit (as it travels to and from Amazon S3) and at rest (while it is stored on disks in Amazon S3 data centers)

You can protect data in transit by using SSL or by using client-side encryption.

For more information on S3 Encryption, please refer to the below link:

When storing sensitive data on the cloud, security is of utmost importance. AWS provides several options for encrypting data at rest to protect it from unauthorized access.

The correct answers to this question are B, C, and D. Let's explore each of these options in more detail:

B. Enable EBS Encryption: Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides persistent block-level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances. EBS encryption helps protect your data at rest by encrypting your EBS volumes. When you create an encrypted EBS volume, Amazon EBS encrypts the data at rest using Amazon-managed encryption keys, providing an additional layer of security. Enabling EBS encryption is simple and can be done during volume creation or through the AWS Management Console.

C. Encrypt the file system on an EBS volume using Linux tools: In addition to EBS encryption, you can also encrypt the file system on an EBS volume using Linux tools such as dm-crypt and LUKS. This option provides an additional layer of security on top of EBS encryption. You can use these tools to encrypt the entire file system or individual files as needed.

D. Enable S3 Encryption: Amazon S3 is a highly durable and scalable object storage service. When you upload an object to S3, you can choose to encrypt the object at rest using server-side encryption. There are three different types of server-side encryption offered by S3: SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, and SSE-C. SSE-S3 and SSE-KMS use encryption keys managed by AWS, while SSE-C requires you to provide your own encryption keys.

A. With AWS, you do not need to worry about encryption: This answer is incorrect. While AWS provides many encryption options, it is ultimately up to the customer to ensure that their data is adequately protected. AWS recommends that customers use encryption to protect their sensitive data.

In summary, when storing sensitive data on the cloud, it is important to use encryption to protect your data at rest. AWS provides several options for encrypting data at rest, including enabling EBS encryption, encrypting the file system on an EBS volume using Linux tools, and enabling S3 encryption.