CodeStar: A Powerful Solution for Java Developers

Building Short-Term Projects with CodeStar and AWS Services

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Two Java developers are building up a short-term project using CodeStar as CodeStar is able to provide a clear dashboard to help control the project and hook up AWS services such as CodeCommit, CodePipeline, etc.



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E.

CorrectAnswer - C, D, E.

If the AWS CodeStar project stores its source code in AWS CodeCommit, the user must also be a member of the AWS CodeStar project team with the owner or contributor role.

To use Eclipse, the user also need:

An IAM user that has been added to an AWS CodeStar project as a team member.

If the AWS CodeStar project stores its source code in AWS CodeCommit, Git credentials (user name and password) for the IAM user.

Sufficient permissions to install Eclipse and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse on your local computer.

The details please refer to.

According to this, Option C, D, E are needed at the same time.

For Git credentials, refer to the below:

OptionA is incorrect: Because contributor role also works.

Option B is incorrect: Because the user does not need to add any role into Eclipse.

For Eclipse AWS toolkit, an AWS profile configured with an access key and secret key is needed.

If the user does not have an AWS profile configured with an access key and secret key on the computer, choose Configure AWS accounts and follow the instructions.

© AWS CodesStar Project Checkout

AWS CodeStar Project Selection
Select the AWS CodeStar project you want to checkout from the remote host.

Select AWS account and region:

Selec Account Confau AWS account
Selec Resin:

Select AWS CodeStar project and repository:

Project Name ProjectID Project Description

| My First Project. my-first-projec ‘AWS CodeStar created project |
Select epostone [my fistprojee 5]
CComfigure Git credentials

You can manually copy and paste Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit below. Alternately, you
‘can import them from a downloaded .csv file. To learn how to generate Git credentials, see Create
Git Credentials for HTTPS Connections to AWS CodeCommit,

User name:


[show password

® Beck Finish

CodeStar is an AWS service that provides a unified user interface, tools, and pre-configured templates to develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. CodeStar also provides a dashboard that enables project management, code repositories, and continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

In this scenario, two Java developers are building a short-term project using CodeStar, and the question is asking about the permissions required for the developers to work with CodeStar. Here are the explanations of the answer options:

A. The developers must be members of the AWS CodeStar project team with the owner role so that they are able to pull/submit the code.

This answer is correct. To work with CodeStar, developers must be members of the AWS CodeStar project team, and they must have the owner role to be able to pull and submit code changes. The owner role provides full access to the project's resources, including the ability to invite or remove team members, modify project settings, and create and delete resources.

B. An IAM role that has enough AWS CodeStar permissions is added to Eclipse.

This answer is not entirely correct. IAM roles are used to grant permissions to AWS services and resources, but they are not used to manage access to CodeStar. Instead, CodeStar uses IAM users to manage access to the project.

C. Git credentials (user name and password) for the IAM users that the developers use.

This answer is partially correct. Git credentials are used to authenticate users when they push or pull code from the Git repository. IAM users can use their Git credentials to access the CodeCommit repository used by CodeStar. However, this answer does not address the permissions required to work with CodeStar's other features, such as the project dashboard or continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

D. The developers must be members of the AWS CodeStar project team with the owner or contributor role.

This answer is partially correct. As stated above, the developers must be members of the AWS CodeStar project team to work with CodeStar. However, the contributor role does not provide the necessary permissions to pull and submit code changes. The contributor role only allows users to view and review code changes.

E. IAM users that have been added to an AWS CodeStar project as team members.

This answer is correct. As mentioned earlier, IAM users are used to manage access to CodeStar. To work with CodeStar, developers must be added as team members to the CodeStar project using their IAM user accounts. The project owner must grant them the necessary permissions to work with the project's resources, such as the Git repository, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and project dashboard.