Elastic Beanstalk Application Version Limit - Effective Management Solutions

Managing Elastic Beanstalk Application Version Limit

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Your company has asked you to maintain an application using Elastic Beanstalk.

At times, you normally hit the application version limit when deploying new versions of the application.

Which of the following is the most effective way to manage this issue?



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - B.

The AWS Documentation mentions the following.

Each time you upload a new version of your application with the Elastic Beanstalk console or the EB CLI, Elastic Beanstalk creates an application version.

If you don't delete versions that you no longer use, you will eventually reach the application version limit and be unable to create new versions of that application.

You can avoid hitting the limit by applying an application version lifecycle policy to your applications.

A lifecycle policy tells Elastic Beanstalk to delete application versions that are old or delete application versions when the total number of versions for an application exceeds a specified number.

Options A and C are invalid because they are not the right approaches when managing the deployment of application versions.

Option D, even though possible, is not the most effective way.

For more information on the application lifecycle, please refer to the below URL-


The correct answer is A: Create multiple environments and deploy different versions to different environments.

Elastic Beanstalk provides a platform to deploy, manage, and scale applications in the AWS cloud easily. An application environment is a logical deployment group within Elastic Beanstalk that contains versions of an application. Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment limit of 1000 versions per environment by default. When you hit the version limit, you need to delete some versions to make space for new ones.

However, deleting older versions may not always be desirable as you may need to roll back to an older version for debugging purposes or because of an unexpected issue with the newer version. Therefore, creating multiple environments is the most effective way to manage this issue as it provides a way to maintain different versions of your application while allowing you to manage them separately.

Creating multiple environments allows you to deploy different versions of your application to different environments, ensuring that you can manage and test each version separately without interfering with the others. You can also use Elastic Beanstalk's blue-green deployment feature to deploy new versions to a temporary environment for testing before promoting it to production.

Option B, creating an Application Version Lifecycle policy, allows you to define rules for deleting application versions automatically. However, this approach may not always be desirable, as it can lead to the loss of important versions that you may need for debugging or rollbacks.

Option C, creating multiple applications and deploying different versions to different applications, is not an optimal solution as it may lead to increased management overhead and potentially higher costs.

Option D, deleting application versions manually, is not a sustainable solution as it can be time-consuming and error-prone, and you may lose important versions that you need for debugging or rollbacks.

Therefore, the most effective way to manage this issue is to create multiple environments and deploy different versions to different environments.