AWS Organization and Organizational Units - Configuration Guide

AWS Organization and Organizational Units Configuration

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You have maintained an AWS Organization and the Organization has below OUs (Organizational Units) configured:



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer - C.

For OUs, there are limited operations that users can do.

Please check.

One thing to note is that the user cannot move an OU to another place from the console or CLI command.

So the user has to create a new OU and move accounts to it.

Option A is incorrect: because the user cannot drag and drop an OU to another place.

Option B is incorrect because it is unnecessary to move accounts out of the Organization.

Otherwise, you have to re-invite these accounts.

Option C is CORRECT because users can move accounts from an OU to another.

After that, empty OU can be deleted.

Option D is incorrect because there is no such CLI command to move an Organizational Unit.

The question describes a scenario where an AWS Organization has several Organizational Units (OUs) including Dev_Department and QA_Department. The task is to reorganize the structure of the OUs so that QA_Department becomes a child of Dev_Department and accounts 3 and 4 are moved to QA_Department.

Option A: In the tree view of AWS Organization console, drag and drop QA_Department and its members to be a child of Dev_Department. This option is the simplest and easiest to implement. In the AWS Organization console, the user can simply click and drag the QA_Department and its member accounts to be a child of the Dev_Department. This option does not require any account moves or CLI commands.

Option B: Move accounts 3 and 4 out of the AWS Organization, move QA_Department to be a child of Dev_Department. Add accounts 3 and 4 back to QA_Department. This option requires a bit more work. The user would first move accounts 3 and 4 out of the AWS Organization, then move QA_Department to be a child of Dev_Department. Finally, accounts 3 and 4 would be added back to QA_Department. This option may cause some disruption to the accounts that are moved out and added back in.

Option C: Create a new OU under Dev_Department named QualityAssurance_Department. Move accounts 3 & 4 to the new OU. Delete the original empty OU QA_Department. This option is also straightforward. The user would create a new OU named QualityAssurance_Department under Dev_Department, move accounts 3 and 4 to the new OU, and then delete the original QA_Department. This option would not cause any disruption to the accounts being moved.

Option D: Move accounts 3 and 4 under the Root of the AWS Organization. Use CLI move-organizational-unit to move QA_Department to be a child of Dev_Department. Then add accounts 3 and 4 to QA_Department. This option requires the use of the AWS CLI. The user would move accounts 3 and 4 to the Root of the AWS Organization, use the move-organizational-unit command to move QA_Department to be a child of Dev_Department, and then add accounts 3 and 4 back to QA_Department. This option may be more complex and time-consuming than the other options.

In conclusion, the best option for reorganizing the OUs in this scenario would be Option A: In the tree view of AWS Organization console, drag and drop QA_Department and its members to be a child of Dev_Department. It is the simplest and easiest to implement, and it does not require any account moves or CLI commands.