Optimizing Read Performance for Amazon Aurora Cluster with RDS Proxy

Create Read-Scaling Services for Enhanced Query Performance


An e-commerce company has deployed a query-intensive application on the Amazon Aurora cluster.

Amazon RDS Proxy is used along with the Amazon Aurora cluster for scalability.

Operations teams are getting complaints of delays in reading data from these clusters.

You are assigned to analyze and optimize read performance. Which of the following services can be created for further making read queries scalable?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B.

Read-only endpoints called Reader endpoints can be used along with Amazon RDS Proxy with the Amazon Aurora cluster.

The application reads data from a particular DB instance with Read Replicas, while Reader endpoints load balances read requests to multiple instances within a cluster.

This improves scalability and availability for read operations from reader DB instances & also enhances read performance.

While creating Reader endpoints, the target should be set as a reader DB instance of the Aurora cluster.

Options A, C & D incorrect all these target types are invalid as the target type for the Reader endpoint should be reader DB instance.

For more information on Amazon RDS Proxy & Reader endpoint, refer to the following URLs,

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/rds-proxy.html https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-reader-endpoint-for-amazon-aurora-load-balancing-higher-availability/

Sure, I can explain the options and help you choose the correct answer.

The e-commerce company has deployed a query-intensive application on the Amazon Aurora cluster, and Amazon RDS Proxy is used along with the Amazon Aurora cluster for scalability. The operations team is getting complaints of delays in reading data from these clusters, and you are assigned to analyze and optimize read performance.

To optimize read performance and make read queries scalable, you can create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy. This Reader endpoint provides read-only access to the Aurora cluster and can distribute read traffic across multiple Aurora replicas, improving performance and scalability.

Now, let's look at the options:

A. Create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy having target as Amazon Aurora Cluster primary DB instance.

This option creates a Reader endpoint that targets the primary DB instance of the Amazon Aurora cluster. While this option is technically possible, it is not recommended for scaling read queries because it can lead to performance issues and increased latency. The primary instance is responsible for handling write requests, so adding read traffic to it can cause contention and delay write operations.

B. Create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy having target as Amazon Aurora Cluster reader DB instance.

This option creates a Reader endpoint that targets the reader DB instance of the Amazon Aurora cluster. This is a good option for scaling read queries because the reader instances are designed to handle read traffic and can distribute it across multiple replicas. This option can help reduce latency and improve performance for read-intensive workloads.

C. Create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy having target as single writer Amazon Aurora Cluster.

This option creates a Reader endpoint that targets a single writer Amazon Aurora cluster. While this option is technically possible, it is not recommended for scaling read queries because it can lead to performance issues and increased latency. A single writer instance is responsible for handling both read and write requests, so adding read traffic to it can cause contention and delay write operations.

D. Create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy having target as multi-writer Amazon Aurora Cluster.

This option creates a Reader endpoint that targets a multi-writer Amazon Aurora cluster. While this option is technically possible, it is not recommended for scaling read queries because it can lead to performance issues and increased latency. Multi-writer instances are designed to handle write requests, so adding read traffic to it can cause contention and delay write operations.

In conclusion, the correct option for optimizing read performance and making read queries scalable is B. Create a Reader endpoint with RDS proxy having target as Amazon Aurora Cluster reader DB instance. This option is recommended because it targets the reader instances, which are designed to handle read traffic and can distribute it across multiple replicas, improving performance and scalability.