Designing a Policy with Shared Queues for Multiple Classes

Benefits of Sharing Queues for Multiple Classes


What statement is true about designing a policy in which more than one class share a queue?



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A. B. C. D.


When multiple classes share a queue, it means that they will be using the same buffer space and will be competing for the same resources. Therefore, designing a policy where more than one class shares a queue requires careful consideration of the performance targets of each class.

Option A, "It must be avoided under all circumstances," is not entirely correct. Although sharing a queue may not always be the best design decision, there may be circumstances where it is necessary or appropriate.

Option B, "It will result in a negative class," is not a correct statement. Sharing a queue does not necessarily result in negative impacts on any of the classes.

Option C, "It requires consideration of the performance targets of classes sharing the queue," is the most accurate statement. When designing a policy in which multiple classes share a queue, it is essential to consider the performance targets of each class, such as bandwidth allocation, latency, and packet loss. This consideration will help ensure that the performance of each class is not negatively impacted by sharing the queue.

Option D, "It should be deployed throughout the network to simplify the design," is not a correct statement. Deploying a policy where multiple classes share a queue throughout the network could lead to performance degradation, and it is not necessarily simpler to deploy such a policy. Instead, it is recommended to evaluate the network's requirements and design a policy that meets those requirements while ensuring optimal performance for all classes.