Preventing Unauthorized Access in Secured Areas | Security Methods to Implement

Preventing Unauthorized Access in Secured Areas

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A datacenter audit finds that a number of personnel are not using access cards when entering a secured area with a coworker.

Which of the following security methods could be implemented to help prevent this behavior?



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A. B. C. D.


The most effective security method to prevent personnel from entering a secured area without proper authorization is the mantrap. A mantrap is a small, enclosed space designed to allow only one person to enter or exit at a time. This is usually achieved by using an airlock-style entry system that requires an individual to enter a first door, which then closes and locks behind them before allowing them to enter a second door leading to the secure area.

A mantrap helps to prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that only one person enters or exits the secure area at a time. It also makes it easier to monitor who is entering or exiting the area, as security personnel can keep an eye on the mantrap and ensure that only authorized personnel are using it.

Keypads are another security method that can be used to prevent unauthorized access to secured areas. Keypads are typically used to control access to a specific room or area by requiring users to enter a unique code. This method is effective, but it relies on personnel to keep their access codes secure and not share them with others.

Smart cards are a type of access control system that requires personnel to use a card to gain entry to a secured area. This method is more secure than traditional access methods, such as keys or keypads, as it is difficult to duplicate or forge a smart card. However, smart cards can still be lost or stolen, and personnel may be tempted to share them with coworkers to gain access to secured areas.

Security cameras can be used to monitor who is entering or exiting a secured area, but they are not a reliable security method on their own. They can be used to help identify personnel who are not using access cards or who are entering with unauthorized individuals, but they cannot prevent this behavior from occurring in the first place.

In conclusion, the mantrap is the most effective security method to prevent personnel from entering a secured area without proper authorization. Keypads, smart cards, and security cameras can also be used to enhance security measures, but they are not as effective as a mantrap in preventing unauthorized access.