Install Software Package on Server: Minimizing Downtime | CompTIA Server+ Exam SK0-004

Minimizing Downtime during Software Package Installation on a Server | CompTIA Server+ Exam SK0-004

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A systems administrator is installing a new software package on a server.

The software has many dependencies.

Which of the following would be the BEST solution for the systems administrator to take to ensure there is no downtime with the installation of this software package?



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A. B. C. D.


Option A, deploying the software to production, is not a good idea as it can cause downtime and potential issues with the dependencies.

Option C, uninstalling the application software, is not a solution at all as it would simply remove the software package, which is not the desired outcome.

Option D, uninstalling the software updates, is also not a good solution, as it may lead to security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.

Therefore, the best solution for the systems administrator to take to ensure there is no downtime with the installation of this software package is Option B, deploying the software in a sandbox.

A sandbox is a testing environment that mimics the production environment without affecting the actual production environment. The administrator can install the software in the sandbox, test it, and ensure that all dependencies are met. Once the software is tested and stable, it can then be deployed to the production environment without causing any downtime or issues.

By using a sandbox, the administrator can ensure that the new software package will work as expected without any issues or downtime in the production environment.