Iterative Software Development Methodology

Iterative Software Development Methodology

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A development team has adopted a new approach to projects in which feedback is iterative and multiple iterations of deployments are provided within an application's full life cycle.

Which of the following software development methodologies is the development team using?



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A. B. C. D.


The development team described in the question is using the Agile software development methodology.

Agile is an iterative approach to software development in which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams. The Agile methodology emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, with a focus on delivering working software quickly and continuously, rather than adhering to a strict plan or timeline.

Agile involves breaking down a project into smaller, more manageable chunks called sprints or iterations, which typically last between 1-4 weeks. At the end of each iteration, a working version of the software is delivered and feedback is gathered from stakeholders. This feedback is used to inform the next iteration, which builds upon the previous one, ultimately resulting in a fully functional application that meets the needs of the end-users.

In contrast, the Waterfall methodology is a sequential approach to software development, in which each phase of the development process is completed before moving onto the next one. This means that the requirements are gathered upfront and the entire project is planned before any development work begins. There is no room for changes or feedback during the development process, as each phase must be completed before the next one can begin.

The Rapid and Extreme programming methodologies are both subsets of the Agile methodology. Rapid development is focused on delivering working software quickly, with a focus on speed over process. Extreme programming, on the other hand, is focused on quality and collaboration, with a heavy emphasis on testing and continuous integration.

In summary, based on the description provided in the question, the development team is using the Agile software development methodology.