Datacenter Equipment Theft Detection: Implementing Effective Controls

Detecting Theft of Datacenter Equipment

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A company's loss control department identifies theft as a recurring loss type over the past year.

Based on the department's report, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) wants to detect theft of datacenter equipment.

Which of the following controls should be implemented?



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A. B. C. D.


Based on the scenario provided, the company's loss control department has identified theft as a recurring issue, and the CIO wants to detect theft of datacenter equipment. To address this issue, the following controls should be implemented:

B. Cameras: Implementing cameras in the datacenter is an effective way to detect theft as they can provide visual evidence of any theft. Cameras can be installed in areas where valuable equipment is stored, and can be used to monitor access points, such as doors and windows. In case of a theft, the footage from the cameras can be used to identify the perpetrator and to provide evidence in legal proceedings.

C. Motion detectors: Motion detectors can also be used to detect any unauthorized entry into the datacenter. Motion detectors can be placed in areas where valuable equipment is stored, and can be configured to trigger alarms or alerts when motion is detected. This can help to quickly identify any attempted theft and take appropriate action.

D. Mantraps: A mantrap is a physical security mechanism designed to restrict unauthorized access to a secure area. It typically consists of a small room with two interlocking doors. To enter the datacenter, the individual must first enter the mantrap, and then pass through the second door. This can help to prevent unauthorized access and also deter potential theft.

A. Biometrics: Biometric controls, such as fingerprint scanners or facial recognition systems, can also be used to authenticate individuals before granting them access to the datacenter. While biometric controls can be effective, they may be more costly to implement than other controls and may also cause delays in accessing the datacenter.

In conclusion, cameras, motion detectors, and mantraps are all effective controls that can be implemented to detect theft in the datacenter. Biometric controls can also be effective, but may be more costly to implement. The best approach would be to implement a combination of these controls to provide multiple layers of security and increase the chances of detecting and preventing theft.