Instructor's Adaptive Teaching Approach

The Skill of Explaining Complex Concepts with Multiple Media


An instructor uses multiple forms of media to help the class understand a difficult topic.

Unfortunately learners are still having a hard time with the concept.

Noticing difficulty, the instructor creates another learning tool to explain the topic another way.

Which of the following BEST describes the skill the instructor is using?



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A. B. C. D.


The BEST description of the skill that the instructor is using would be option D - "Enhance, substitute or create media as appropriate."

The instructor has identified that the learners are still having difficulty understanding a difficult topic even after using multiple forms of media. This indicates that the existing learning materials may not be meeting the needs of the learners. To address this, the instructor has decided to create another learning tool to explain the topic in a different way, indicating that they are enhancing, substituting or creating media as appropriate.

This skill requires the ability to assess the effectiveness of the current learning materials and identify where improvements can be made. It also requires creativity and the ability to develop new learning tools that are appropriate for the topic and the learners. This skill is essential for effective teaching and learning, as it allows the instructor to adapt to the needs of their learners and ensure that everyone has a chance to fully understand the material.

In contrast, option A ("Create opportunities for learners to contribute to the discussion") is more focused on engaging learners in the learning process and encouraging them to participate actively in the class. Option B ("Plan and use a variety of reinforcement techniques during training") focuses on using different methods to reinforce learning and help learners retain information. Option C ("Adapt learning methods as intended by the course designers") involves following the pre-determined course design and adapting it as needed to meet the needs of learners.

Overall, the ability to enhance, substitute or create media as appropriate is a key skill for instructors, as it allows them to create effective learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners.