Predicting Account Balances: Serving Machine Learning Predictions for Global Bank Customers

Account Balance Forecasting: Notifications for Low Balance Risk


Your team is building an application for a global bank that will be used by millions of customers.

You built a forecasting model that predicts customers' account balances 3 days in the future.

Your team will use the results in a new feature that will notify users when their account balance is likely to drop below $25

How should you serve your predictions?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D.


The best answer for serving predictions in the scenario described is D:

  1. Build a notification system on Firebase. 2. Register each user with a user ID on the Firebase Cloud Messaging server, which sends a notification when your model predicts that a user's account balance will drop below the $25 threshold.

Explanation: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cloud messaging service that allows you to reliably send notifications and messages at no cost. FCM is a reliable and scalable platform for sending notifications to mobile devices and web applications. FCM can be used to send notifications to both Android and iOS devices, as well as web applications.

Using Firebase for notification allows for a centralized and scalable system for handling notifications across all users. This is especially important in this scenario, where the model will be used by millions of customers. Firebase provides a user-friendly dashboard for managing notifications, making it easy to monitor notification delivery and engagement rates.

Registering each user with a unique user ID on the FCM server allows for personalized notifications to be sent to each user, based on their specific account balance prediction. This is important because the notification needs to be sent when a user's account balance is predicted to drop below $25, and this value will be different for each user.

Overall, using Firebase Cloud Messaging to serve predictions provides a scalable, centralized, and personalized solution for sending notifications to users based on the account balance prediction model.