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Qualitative Risk Analysis: Information for Risk Register Updates


The only output of the perform qualitative risk analysis are risk register updates.

When the project manager updates the risk register he will need to include several pieces of information including all of the following except for which one?



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A. B. C. D.


Performing qualitative risk analysis is a process in which risks are identified, analyzed, and prioritized based on their likelihood of occurring and potential impact on the project. The outcome of this process is a risk register that includes a list of identified risks, their likelihood and potential impact, and prioritization based on their overall risk score.

The risk register is a living document that is updated throughout the project lifecycle to ensure that risks are identified, assessed, and managed appropriately. The project manager updates the risk register as new risks are identified or as existing risks change in likelihood or impact.

The updates to the risk register must include several pieces of information, including trends in qualitative risk analysis, the risk probability-impact matrix, a watchlist of low-priority risks, and risks grouped by categories. These pieces of information are all critical to the effective management of risks throughout the project lifecycle.

However, the answer to the question is "C. Watchlist of low-priority risks." The watchlist is a list of risks that are not currently considered high priority but are being monitored in case they become more significant. Although the watchlist is an essential component of risk management, it is not a required piece of information in the updates to the risk register following the qualitative risk analysis process.

Therefore, the project manager should update the risk register with trends in qualitative risk analysis, the risk probability-impact matrix, and risks grouped by categories, but the watchlist of low-priority risks is not necessary to be included in the update.