IPv4 Address Conversion | JN0-102 Exam Question Answer | Juniper Networks Certified Associate Junos

Convert Binary IP Address to Dotted Decimal Notation

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In dotted decimal notation, what is the equivalent of 11010101 01000010 01111111 11000010?



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A. B. C. D.


To convert the binary representation to dotted decimal notation, we need to split the binary number into four octets (each consisting of 8 bits) and convert each octet to decimal.

11010101 01000010 01111111 11000010

We can split this binary number into four octets as follows:

11010101 01000010 01111111 11000010

To convert each octet to decimal, we need to convert each group of 8 bits to its decimal equivalent. Here are the decimal equivalents of each octet:

11010101 = 213 01000010 = 66 01111111 = 127 11000010 = 194

Therefore, the dotted decimal notation of the binary number 11010101 01000010 01111111 11000010 is

So, the correct answer is A.