Manage Jobs in Azure: Understanding the maxWallClockTime Property

Understanding the maxWallClockTime Property


You work in TCT company and you are having the responsibility to manage the jobs in Azure.

You decide to add a new job.

While specifying the job constraints, you set maxWallClockTime property to value 30 minutes.

What does it mean?



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A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer: C

The maxWallClockTime property is the optional property that sets the maximum amount of time a job can run for.

As the time exceeds or the job doesn't complete in the specified time, the job is terminated.

If you don't set this property, then the job has no time limit.

Option A is incorrect.

The maxWallClockTime property specifies the maximum time for which a job can be in a running state.

Option B is incorrect.

maxWallClockTime property does not specify the time limit for the inactive state of any job.

Option C is correct.

Setting maxWallClockTime property to 30 minutes specifies that the job can be in the active or running state for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Option D is incorrect.

maxWallClockTime property does not specify the time after which the job will automatically start.

Option E is incorrect.

Setting maxWallClockTime property to 30 minutes specifies that the job can be in the active or running state for a maximum of 30 minutes.


To know more about jobs and scheduling the jobs, please visit the below-given links:

In Azure, jobs are used to execute a specific task or a set of tasks. When creating a job, you can specify various properties to customize how it runs. One such property is the maxWallClockTime, which specifies the maximum amount of time that the job can run, from start to finish.

The maxWallClockTime property sets a limit on the total time that the job can run, including the time spent waiting in the queue, executing, and any delays due to network or other issues. If the job runs for longer than the specified time, it will be terminated automatically, and its status will be changed to failed.

The correct answer to the question is C. The job can be in the active or running state for a maximum of 30 minutes. This means that the job can start running immediately after it is scheduled, but it must finish executing within 30 minutes of its start time. If the job has not completed within this time frame, it will be terminated automatically.

Option A is incorrect because the maxWallClockTime property does not limit the amount of time that the job can be in a ready state. The ready state is the state that a job is in when it is waiting to be executed and has not yet been assigned to a compute node.

Option B is incorrect because the maxWallClockTime property does not limit the amount of time that the job can be inactive. Inactive means that the job has been assigned to a compute node but is not currently running.

Option D is incorrect because setting the maxWallClockTime property does not schedule the job to start automatically after 30 minutes. The job will start running as soon as it is scheduled, but its total runtime cannot exceed the specified time limit.

Therefore, the correct option is C.