Column-Level Security: False Outcomes - Exam PL-200

Enable Column-Level Security | Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant


You enable column-level security.

Please select a false statement about the outcomes from this operation.



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B

Dataverse provides column (field) security level on a column-by-column basis for all custom and most system columns.

Column-level security gives users more granularity.

It has a global scope.

You need to be cautious of using this feature.

You can enable record-level security on the table level.

If you enable the column-level of security, it will override the record or table levels for this column.

On the app's screen, the field will be visible and marked as secured with the stars for the field value and a lock sign on the field's side.

The field would return the null value in your app.

For management simplification, Dataverse groups the secured column (field) permissions into a profile.

A system administrator can grant access to the profiles to specific users or teams.

Only admin and members of a Field Security Profile can see the column value.

For more information about Dataverse field-level (column-level) security, please visit the below URLs:

Enabling column-level security in Microsoft Power Platform allows you to control access to specific columns within a table. It provides an additional layer of security by restricting access to sensitive or confidential data to only authorized users.

Now, let's go through each statement one by one:

A. The column will have a higher level of security than the table This statement is true. Enabling column-level security means that the column will have a higher level of security than the table it belongs to. This is because access to the column is controlled separately from the table, allowing you to restrict access to specific columns within a table.

B. The column will be hidden in your app This statement is not necessarily true. Enabling column-level security does not automatically hide the column in your app. It only controls access to the column data. You can choose to hide the column in your app using other methods, such as using the Visible property or formatting rules.

C. The column will return a null value in your app This statement is not necessarily true. Enabling column-level security does not automatically return a null value for the column in your app. It only controls access to the column data. If a user does not have access to a column, they will not be able to see the data in that column, but the column itself will still be visible in the app.

D. Except for administrator, only members of a Field Security Profile can see the column value. This statement is false. Enabling column-level security does not create a Field Security Profile automatically. You need to create a Field Security Profile and add users or teams to it to control access to the column. Only users or teams that are members of the Field Security Profile will have access to the column data, including the administrator if they are added to the Field Security Profile.

In summary, statement A is true, statement B and C are not necessarily true, and statement D is false.