Azure IoT Stream Analytics Job | Power BI Workspace Access | PL-400 Exam Solution

Azure IoT Stream Analytics Job


You need to analyze the real-time telemetry streams from the IoT devices in the Power BI dashboard.

You create a new workspace.

You also provision a Stream Analytics job under the name of “IoT stream job” in the Azure portal.

Please select four steps you should take to give the “IoT stream job” access to the Power BI workspace?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

Correct Answers: A, C, E and F

Microsoft Managed Identity service for Azure eliminates the need to use passwords or other credentials explicitly to access Azure-based services.

The Managed identity service manages credentials for you.

You can use the Managed identities to access any Azure service.

There are two types of managed identities: System assigned and User-assigned.

The System assigned managed identity is a part of every Azure resource that stays with the resource.

If the resource is removed, the identity is also removed.

Users can create the User-assigned identity for any standalone Azure resource.

It will survive resource after the resource deletion and can be assigned to another resource.

You can remove the user-assigned identity only by deleting it directly.

When you enable the System assigned identity for the Azure resource, Azure creates a service principal.

The service principal is a resource that connects to the Azure AD managed identity information.

The Power Platform products are based on Azure services, and you can use the service principal to access the Power BI.

Suppose you need to stream data to the Power BI dashboard.

In that case, you need to provision a Stream Analytics job in Azure and enable the “Use System-assigned Managed Identity” option (Number 2) in the “Managed Identity” section of the job's blade (Number 1)

The Azure Resource Manager generates the service principal ID (Number 3).

Microsoft Azure 2 Search resources, services, and docs (G+/)

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Then you need to allow the service principal to use the Power BI APIs (Number 4)

You can find this option in the Power BI admin portal (Number 1) in the “Tenant settings” (Number 2) under the “Developer settings” (Number 3)

You can also limit the API access to the specific security group (Number 5).

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E- Apps Capacity settings Gaappilies caries

Web apps registered in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) will use an assigned service
principal to access Power BI APIs without a signed in user. To allow an app to use service
Embed codes principal authentication its service principal must be included in an allowed security
group. Learn more

Organizational visuals
@® Enabied 4 |

Refresh summary
Shared with me

Deployment pipelines

(Learn Azure connections (preview)
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Workspaces > Custom branding BI service admins and enabled for the entire organization or for security groups
; ; they're included in. You can control access of service principals by creating
My workspace wy Protection metrics dedicated security groups for them and using these groups in any Power Bl
tenant level-settings. Learn more
Featured content
Apply to:
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@ Specific security groups (Recommended) @
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Admin API settings

After that, you need to create a new workspace with a dashboard.

You cannot use “My workspace.” Then, return to Azure and create an “IoT stream job” output by authorizing a connection to Power BI and supplying information about the Power BI workspace.

Search resources, services, and docs (G+/)

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And you need to enable the service principal access to the new Power BI workspace.

You can click on the Access button on the workspace screen and add the job name.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about using the managed identity for Power BI dashboard access, please visit the below URLs:

To give the "IoT stream job" access to the Power BI workspace, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Give a service principal access to the new workspace A service principal is an identity that is used to authenticate and authorize access to Azure resources. To give the "IoT stream job" access to the Power BI workspace, a service principal needs to be created and given access to the new workspace.

  2. Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs in the Power BI Admin portal After creating the service principal, it needs to be authorized to use the Power BI APIs. This can be done by allowing service principals to use Power BI APIs in the Power BI Admin portal.

  3. Create Power BI as new output for the job in the Azure portal Next, create Power BI as a new output for the "IoT stream job" in the Azure portal. This will allow the job to send data to the Power BI workspace.

  4. Create a service principal for the job in the Azure portal Finally, create a service principal for the job in the Azure portal. This will enable the job to authenticate and authorize access to the Power BI workspace.

Therefore, the correct steps to give the "IoT stream job" access to the Power BI workspace are:

A. Give a service principal access to the new workspace C. Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs in the Power BI Admin portal E. Create Power BI as new output for the job in the Azure portal F. Create a service principal for the job in the Azure portal