Timesheet Submission Approval Solution | Power Platform Design

Managers' Approval Workflow for Timesheet Submissions


A company wants managers to approve the timesheet submission directly from the timesheet report.

The company asks you to help with the solution design.

The managers should move through the list of the employees on the timesheet report, and on the right side of the report, they can select the Approval status from the dropdown and push a Submit button.

After submission, the employee should receive an email with the status of the timesheet submission.

What three Power Platform products should you use in your design?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Correct Answers: A, C and.


Power BI visualizations have a "PowerApps for Power BI" visual dedicated to integrating Power BI and Power Apps.

You can use the Power Apps visual to add your canvas app to a Power BI dashboard or report.

It establishes the live data connection between the app and the report's data.

If data changes in the report, it will update the data in a canvas app as well.



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When you scroll the list of employees on the report, the canvas visual on the right will be updated with the employee's information, and you can select an approval status and push the Submit button.

The canvas app will update the Dataverse and initialize an instant Power Automate flow for sending an email to the employee about the timesheet approval status.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about the Power Apps visual on the Power BI dashboard, Power Apps, and Power Automate integration, please visit the below URL:

To meet the requirement of allowing managers to approve the timesheet submissions directly from the timesheet report, we need to use the following three Power Platform products:

  1. Power Apps canvas app: We can use Power Apps to create a canvas app that displays the timesheet report. The app should allow managers to select the Approval status from a dropdown and push a Submit button to update the status of the timesheet. This app can be easily created using drag-and-drop functionality and without the need for extensive coding. The canvas app will also be responsive, meaning it will adjust to different screen sizes and devices.

  2. Power Automate instant flow: After a manager approves a timesheet, we need to send an email notification to the employee to inform them of the status of their submission. Power Automate instant flow can be used to automate this process. This flow will trigger as soon as the manager updates the Approval status in the canvas app, and it will send an email notification to the employee with the status of their timesheet submission.

  3. Power Apps portal app: To make the timesheet report easily accessible to managers, we can use Power Apps portal app. This app allows managers to view the timesheet report and approve the submissions directly from the portal. This app is also user-friendly and can be customized to meet specific business requirements.

Therefore, the correct answers are A. Power Automate instant flow, C. Power Apps canvas app, and B. Power Apps portal app.

We do not need Business Process Flow or Power BI in this solution design, as they are not directly related to the requirement of approving timesheet submissions.