Secure Phone Number Access in Model-Driven App

Restricting Phone Number Access for Non-Sales Team Users


In a model-driven app, a company has a form with the customer's full address information.

The company wants only the sales team to see the customer's phone number on a form.

The company invites you to help design the security of the address information.

What would you implement to secure the phone number from all users except the sales team?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer: B

Dataverse provides column (field) security level on a column-by-column basis for all custom and most system columns.

Column-level security gives users more granularity.

You need to be cautious about using this feature because it has a global scope.

The field will be visible on the app's screen and marked as secured with the stars for the field value and a lock sign on the field's side.

And it would return the null value in your app.

As a Solution Architect, you advise enabling Column (Field) security for the phone column.

You can do this from the Power Apps portal by selecting the Phone number column in the Table browser.

Then on the column properties panel (Number 1), you check the "Enable column security" (Number 2) in the Advanced options section.

Phone Number @ x

Display name *

Phone Number

Name* (@

cr437_ PhoneNumber

Datatype* @

Phone Vv
Required* @

Optional Vv
Searchable @

Description @

Advanced options TN

@ Enable column security

Enable auditing @

Appears in global filter in interactive ®
experience dashboard

Sortable in interactive experience @

Max length *

After that, only the admin and members of a Field Security Profile can see the column value.

For management simplification, the Dataverse groups the secured column (field) permissions into a profile.

A system administrator can grant access to the profiles to specific users or teams.

You can create a Field security profile, add the Sales team as a member, and set the "Allow Read" to "Yes." Now only sales team's members (and admin) can view the phone number on the app's form.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Dataverse Field Security and Profiles, please visit the below URLs:

To secure the phone number field in the model-driven app, we can use field-level security. Field-level security is a feature in Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform that allows administrators to control access to specific fields within an entity. This can help ensure that sensitive information, such as personal data, is only visible to authorized users.

Field-level security works by assigning security roles to users or teams, and then configuring the security roles to grant or deny access to specific fields within an entity. In this scenario, we can create a security role specifically for the sales team that grants access to the phone number field on the customer form.

To implement field-level security in this scenario, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new security role for the sales team: Navigate to the Power Platform Admin Center and create a new security role. Give the role a descriptive name, such as "Sales Team," and assign it to the appropriate users or teams.

  2. Configure field-level security for the phone number field: Open the entity that contains the customer form and select the "Fields" tab. Locate the phone number field and select "Field Security" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Grant access to the sales team security role: In the field security configuration window, select the sales team security role and grant it access to the phone number field.

  4. Remove access for all other security roles: In the same field security configuration window, remove access for all other security roles. This will ensure that only the sales team can view the phone number field on the customer form.

Once you have completed these steps, the phone number field on the customer form will be secured and only visible to the sales team. Other users or teams will not be able to view the field, even if they have access to the customer form or entity.

Note that field-level security can be applied to other sensitive fields within the entity as well, such as email addresses or social security numbers. It is a powerful tool for controlling access to sensitive information and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.