Canvas App Sluggish Performance: Four Steps for Effective Tuning Strategy

Four Steps of the Canvas App Tuning Strategy


You are analyzing the test results of the canvas app sluggish performance.

Please select four steps of the canvas app tuning strategy that you should implement.



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Correct Answers: A, B, D and F

When you need to tune the canvas app performance, use the following four steps approach: Avoid - any additional work that you can.

Defer - not needed work.

Parallelize - any work where it is possible.

Monitor - how apps are operating, trying to see any abnormalities.

For the best performance of a canvas app, you should consider the following tips: Limit data connections - no more than 30 data sources for the same app.

Limit the number of controls - no more than 500 controls per app.

Using collections - pre-load the data into local collections.

Effective OnStart load - for data load use in a parallel process by implementing the Concurrent function.

Optimize local caching - use the Set function for local caching.

Load screens in memory only when needed - avoid screen dependencies and formula sharing between screens.

Use delegation - process data close to the source, on the data server, as much as you can.

Use predominantly delegable functions.

Republish your app regularly - Power Platform adds new features all the time that can help your app's performance.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about the canvas app's performance optimization, please visit the below URLs:

When it comes to improving the performance of a canvas app, there are a variety of strategies you can employ to ensure that your application runs smoothly. Here is a detailed explanation of the six options mentioned in the question:

A. Avoid: This step is all about avoiding certain actions and features that can slow down your app. For example, you should avoid using too many controls on a single screen or using large images or videos that can take a long time to load. You should also avoid running complex calculations or data lookups that are not necessary for the user's immediate needs.

B. Defer: The defer step involves delaying certain actions until they are absolutely necessary. For example, you could defer the loading of data until the user actually navigates to a screen that requires that data. This can help improve the overall speed and responsiveness of your app.

C. Delegate: The delegate step involves offloading certain tasks to other services or tools that are better equipped to handle them. For example, you could delegate complex data lookups to a backend API or use a third-party tool to optimize the performance of your images or videos.

D. Parallelize: The parallelize step involves breaking up certain tasks into smaller pieces that can be run in parallel. For example, if you have a large data set that needs to be processed, you could break it up into smaller chunks that can be processed simultaneously. This can help speed up the overall processing time.

E. Cache: The cache step involves storing frequently used data or resources in a local cache so that they can be quickly accessed when needed. For example, you could cache frequently accessed images or data sets so that they don't need to be reloaded each time they are requested. This can help reduce the overall load on your app and improve performance.

F. Monitor: The monitor step involves regularly monitoring the performance of your app and identifying any areas that need improvement. This can involve using tools like analytics or user feedback to identify areas of the app that are causing problems or are not performing as well as they should be. By monitoring your app regularly, you can identify and address issues before they become major problems.

In summary, the six steps of the canvas app tuning strategy are: Avoid, Defer, Delegate, Parallelize, Cache, and Monitor. By implementing these steps, you can improve the overall performance and user experience of your canvas app.