Windows 10 Device Inventory Issue

Windows 10 System Not Showing in Device Inventory


A Windows 10 system is not showing in the device inventory list, what may be the problem?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B.

Option A, C, D are incorrect.

Neither renaming any device nor KB's has any impact on the Device inventory list.

Option B is correct.

We can modify the “time setting” to find the system.


When a Windows 10 system is not showing in the device inventory list, it could be due to a few different reasons. Let's go through each answer option to understand why it may or may not be the problem.

A. System is not having the latest KB's: One possible reason for a system not appearing in the device inventory list could be that it is not up-to-date with the latest KBs (Knowledge Base articles). KBs are updates released by Microsoft to fix bugs, improve security, and provide new features for Windows systems. If a system is missing the latest KB updates, it may not be able to communicate with the device inventory server, causing it to not show up in the list. However, this is not always the case and other factors can also cause the issue.

B. System has no alerts in the past 30 days: Another possibility could be that the system has not generated any alerts in the past 30 days. When a system generates alerts, it communicates with the device inventory server, which updates the inventory list. If a system has not generated any alerts in the past 30 days, it may not be communicating with the server, resulting in it not showing up in the device inventory list.

C. System was renamed: A system may also not appear in the device inventory list if it was renamed. If the name of a Windows 10 system is changed, it may cause communication issues with the device inventory server, which may not recognize the new name and, therefore, not update the inventory list accordingly. This can lead to the system not showing up in the device inventory list.

D. None of the above: While the above possibilities are common reasons why a system may not appear in the device inventory list, there could be other factors at play as well. It's important to thoroughly investigate the issue to determine the root cause of the problem.

In conclusion, all three answer options A, B, and C could potentially be the reason why a Windows 10 system is not showing in the device inventory list. However, it's important to investigate the issue thoroughly to determine the exact cause of the problem. Answer option D, "None of the above," is not necessarily correct as there could be other possibilities that are not listed.