CCNA Exam Question: Identifying Events and Syslog Levels

Exam Question: Event Associated with Sending a Notice-Level Message to Syslog Server


If a notice-level message is sent to a syslog server, which event has occurred?



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A. B. C. D.


Usually no action is required when a route flaps so it generates the notification syslog level message (level 5).

Syslog is a protocol used to send system messages to a centralized syslog server for monitoring and analysis. These messages are typically sent by network devices, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, to provide information about their operational status and any events that occur.

Syslog messages are classified into different severity levels, ranging from emergency (0) to debug (7). The severity level determines the importance of the message and how it should be handled by the syslog server.

In this question, the severity level specified is "notice" which is level 5. This means that the message contains information about a normal but significant event.

Option A suggests that a network device has restarted. While this could be a significant event, it is not necessarily the only event that could trigger a notice-level syslog message. Option B suggests that a debug operation is running, which is incorrect as debug messages are at a higher severity level than notice. Option C suggests that a routing instance has flapped, which could be a significant event, but again, not the only possibility. Finally, option D suggests that an ARP inspection has failed, which is also a possible event that could trigger a notice-level syslog message.

In summary, a notice-level syslog message indicates a normal but significant event has occurred, and the exact event that triggered the message cannot be determined solely from the severity level. Therefore, any of the events suggested in the answer choices could have triggered the message, but none of them can be definitively identified as the cause based on the information given.