CCNA WLAN Configuration: WPA2 PSK Format Selection

WPA2 PSK Format Selection


When configuring a WLAN with WPA2 PSK in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller GUI, which format is available to select?



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When configuring a WLAN with WPA2 PSK in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller GUI, the available format to select is ASCII.

WPA2 PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access II Pre-Shared Key) is a security protocol used for wireless networks that provides strong encryption and authentication. It uses a passphrase (or pre-shared key) to authenticate clients and encrypt data.

In the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller GUI, when configuring a WLAN with WPA2 PSK, there are different options available to configure the passphrase format. These options include ASCII, hexadecimal, and passphrase.

ASCII is a character encoding standard that uses a 7-bit code to represent text. It includes all the standard English letters, numbers, and symbols. This is the most commonly used format for configuring WPA2 PSK passphrases, as it allows users to create a passphrase using any combination of characters that they can type on a standard keyboard.

Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system that uses 16 symbols to represent values from 0 to 15. It is often used for configuring passphrases that require more complex characters, such as those that cannot be typed on a standard keyboard.

Passphrase is a format that allows users to enter a string of words or phrases as the passphrase. This can be a more memorable and user-friendly option for configuring a WPA2 PSK passphrase.

In conclusion, when configuring a WLAN with WPA2 PSK in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller GUI, the available format to select is ASCII, which allows users to create a passphrase using any combination of characters that they can type on a standard keyboard.