Question 1 of 270 from exam 220-1102: CompTIA A+ Core 2

Question 1 of 270 from exam 220-1102: CompTIA A+ Core 2


SIMULATION - A technician has installed two new drives in one of the computers in the computer lab.

Disk1 will be utilized for user and application data.

Disk 2 has already been properly configured and has production data on in.

The technician has been unable to format the appropriate disk from the command prompt.

The lab requires that Disk1 be a dynamic disk configured with two partitions.

The first partition must be 256,000 MB in size and mapped to drive F.

The second partition must be 512,000 MB in size and mapped to drive G.

The new partitions must be formatted to ensure that user's files can be secured from other users and that the disk must be configured to account for future redundancy.

Make sure to maintain a consistent file system.

The lab requires that Disk1 be a dynamic disk configured with two partitions.

The first partition must be 256,000 MB in size and mapped to drive F.

The second partition must be 512,000 MB in size and mapped to drive G.

The new partitions must be formatted to ensure that user's files can be secured from other users and that the disk must be configured to account for future redundancy.

Make sure to maintain a consistent file system.

INSTRUCTIONS: Conduct the necessary steps within the Disk Manager to accomplish these tasks.

If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.

———— a a

File Action View Help

Volume Layout Type.
Smple Dynamic NTFS Healthy Goot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parttion) 250.0068 240.0068. «95%

File System Status Capacty ——FreeSpace Free ‘Fault Tolerance Overhead
No 0%


Disko O—E~————————————————————g

Dynamic ©
250,00 G8
ao 250 GB NTFS

Healthy (Boot, Page Fle, Crash Dump, Primary Pertiton)

disk 1 ———————————————— eee

750.00 Ge
750 68
fereaeed Unalocated
@visk2 ee)
750.00 68
Noteeiieet Unalocated

No Meda

Volume Layout Type Fe System Status Copacty _—FreeSpace —%eFree Fault Tolerance Overhead
ac) Simple Basic—-NTFS Healthy Goot, Page Fle, Crash Dump, Primary Partiton) 250.0068 240.0068 96% No 0%
a one omer basic disks to convertto dynamic disks.
Disk O Select one or more basic disks to convert to dynamic disks. —_
250.008 S Disks:
am 250.68 NTFS
Healthy Goot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Prin) [v7] Disk O
Disk 1 Ee
750.00 68
Notinitalzed | 750.68
Boisk2 De)
750.00 68
Notinitaized — || JOE
DvD (2)

No Media
Type Fle System Status Copacty FreeSpace | %eFree —FaultTolerance Overhead
Dynamic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton) 250.0068 240.0068 96% No 0%

Disko Jd

Dynamic ©
250.00 6B

Healthy (oot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton)

@pisk 1 ————————


Not Ir

Initialize Disk } ce
‘Offline __Hocated

Dv ©)

250.00 6B

@disk 1
750.00 6B
Not Initalzed

apvisk 2
750.00 6B
Not Initalzed



Layout Type

Simple Dynamic NTFS

Fle System Status Copacty Free Spat

Specify a volume size
WEEE choose a volume size that is between the maximum and minimum sizes
() I
250 GB NTFS ‘Maximum disk space in MB 768000
Healthy oot, Page F} | jinimum disk space in MB 8
‘imple volume size in MB 768000 |
Unelocated (pack Next>) [Cancel]

ce Me Free © FaultTolerance Overhead

Healthy (oot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton) 250.0068 240.0068 95% No 0%
lim, hii ithe iain nt i al

Fie Action View Help
ee tell)

Volume Layout Type Fle System Status Copecty _FreeSpace *hFree —FautTolerence Overhead
ac) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy oot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Partiton) 250.0068 240.0068 96% No 0%
—______ Assign Drive Letter or Path
Copko | MN For easier access, you can assign a drive letter or drive path to your partition. [ZN
Dynamic en
Online feat ek | @ Assign the following drive letter: Ev
eathy oot,
oor © Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:
——— Browse —
@oisk 1 as = —SESSq—— ae
Unrown © Do not assign a drive letter or path,
750.00 G8
Notinitalzed | 750.60
Disk 2 a < Back Next>. ec $s
Unieoun rt
750.00 68 sige
omy Disk Management

ga ae,

Fle Acton View Help
-9|/5\/ Boe

Volume layout Tre leSystem | Status Copacty Free Space Free FaultTolerance Overhead
oc Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy (oot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton) 250.0068 240.0068 96% No 0%
‘New Simple Volume Wizard = SS)
= Completing the New Simple Volume Wizard
Dynamic ©
Seis You have successfully completed the New Simple Volume
Healthy Goat, Page Fi Was
You selected the following settings:
@disk 1 Ee
Unknown Volume type: Simple Volume A
730.00 68 Disk selected: Disk 1
Noninst Volume Size: 768000 MB
Drive letter or path: E
File system: FAT32
qoisk2 Allocation unt size: Default _
‘Unknown Volume labe lew Volume v
750,00 68 Ae’ format Vac
Hetintaed || 72S
To cloze this wizard, click Finish,
DVD (D:)



Please review explanation for detailed answer.

Please review explanation for detailed answer.

-> Right click on disk 1, click on initialize -> Choose disk and option as MBR.

Hit ok.

-> Again, right click on disk 1 and choose convert to dynamic disk.

-> Now right click on disk 1 and choose new simple volume.

-> Specify storage as 256000 and assign a drive letter F and choose file system as NTFS and click finish.

-> Do the same thing for rest of space of disk 1, assigning 512000MB and using Disc G Here are the screen shots showing this process:

File Action View Help

¢2?|\5|\b |
Volume Layout Type Fle System Status Cepacty _FreeSpace “Free FaultTolerance Overhead
ac) Simple Basic NTFS Healthy Goot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton) 250.0068 240.0068. «96% No 0%
(CaNew Volume (:) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 250.0068 247.5068 «98% «© No 0%
Basic ©
aa 250 GB NTFS
Healthy Goat, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton)
apisk a
Dynamic ——— PLZ =
750.00 68 250,00 8 NTFS {0.00 Gj Specify Volume Size
nine Healthy (Unallocated Choose a volume size that is between the maximum and minimum sizes.
750.00 68
Onine Be Maximum dsk space in MB: 512000
Minimum disk space in Me 8
Se-rono =
imple volume size in MB: ‘512000
DvD ©) Simple vo “e =
No Media
Unallocated If Primary partition [lJ Simple volume (ma)
ated) Ties)

cl °
Type File System Status, Capacity _—FreeSpace Free Fault Tolerance

Simple Basic. NTFS. Healthy (Boot, Page Fle, Crash Dump, Primary Parton) 250.00GB 240.0068. «96 % No
aNew Volume (F:) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 250.0068 247.50GB «99% No

base ©
29006 | aso cenres

Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

Disk 1

Dynamic New Volume (F:) ELLE Li, =a

Foronha 250,00 GB NTFS $00.00 68 ‘Assign Drive Letter or Path

mine Healthy (Unallocated For easier access, you can assign a drive letter or drive path to your partition.

apis 2

750.00 GB
Online Satins @ Assan te lowing dive

(© Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:

I Browse

DvD ©) © Donotassion a drive letter or drive path

No Meda

i Unalocated I Primary partition [ll Simple volume
oo) Disk Management

File Action View Help


vole Layout Type | FleSyatem | Sah Freesoace Free Fat Toerance Overhead
ca(c:) ‘Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) (240.00 GB 96% No 0%
New Volume (F:) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 247.50 GB 99% No 0%


base ©

wc |! aso cannes

Healthy (oot, Page Fle, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

opisk 1

Healthy ee

Dynamic New Volume —< ELL
nine Uj;

New Simple Volume Wizard


Format Partition
To store data on this partition, you must format it frst.

opisk 2

750.00 6B

Online me


DvD ©)

No Meda

Mi Unalocated Il Primary partition [lj simple volume

CChoose whether you want to format this volume, and ifso, what settings you want to use.

Do not format tis

Gj Format is vole wit he totowng
Fe system: MES =
location rit size: [Default =
Volume abet [Rew voune

Perform a auc

TT Enable fle and folder compression

Tl aysiois

Type File System Capacity Free Space
Basic NTFS Healthy (oot, Page Fle, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 250.00GB 240.0068. «96 % No 0%

Status ‘%Free —FaultTolerance Overhead

aDisk 0 Dl

Basic ©
anos 250 GBNTFS

Healthy (oot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

@pisk 1 a

750.00 6B
Not Initialzed


You mustinitiaize a disk before Logical Disk Manager can access it

@pisk 2 es

Unknown |
iy Disk 2

750.00 6B
Not Initiazed ater]

Gov-nomo Use the folowing partition style for the selected disks:
Dvo @:) (@ MBR (Master Boot Record)

No Media © GPT (GUD Parison Table)

Note: The GPT partition style is not recognized by all previous versions of
Windows. [tis recommended for disks larger than ZTB. or disks used on

Tern based computes.
[ox ) (cancel)

Hl unallocated Il Primary partition


ioe Disk Management

File Action View Help


eac:) ‘Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 250.00 GB 240.00 GB 6 % No. 0%
pa oO
La-aahal (250 GB NTFS
Online Healthy Boot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)
aisk 1 New Simple Volume Wizard
Dynamic me Y
ae LZ hie ie
Online (“Unallocated For easier access, you can assign a drive letter or drive path to your partition.
Notinitaized | eo iocated @ far ng
(© Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:
Goo-rono I
DvD (D:) © Donotassign a drive letter or drive path

i unallocated Il Primary partition

5:3 PM

oF ES.
@ |i |B |


=3(C:) ‘Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 250.00 GB (240.00 GB 96% No. 0%


= SS

boreal (250 GB NTFS

ome Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

aDisk 1 - ‘New Simple Volume Wizard

Dynamic ae

ome |/Unallocated Te store data on this partition, you must format it frst.

fetintees || 72 ope
keno f Format this volume with the folowing

« settinas:

Bonone es

DVD (0:) Allocation unit size: FATS

HH Unallocated Il Primary partition

Jp Bertorm a ack

7 Enable fe and folder compression

5:3 PM

oreo ll

Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

Volume Layout Type FieSystem Status %Free Fault Tolerance Overhead
joa(c:) Simple Basic NTFS. Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 96% No 0%
|New Volume (F:) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 99% No 0%

250.0068 iS

pris 250 GB NTFS

aDisk 1

‘Specify Volume Size
Choose a volume size that is between the maximum and minimum sizes,


750.00 GB
750 GB


DvD (+)
No Media

[i Unalocated [ll Primary partition [ll Simple volume

Maximum disk space in MB: 768000
Minimum disk space in MB: 8

Simple volume size in MB:

(Cxtece) Cre) (cancel)

1 4s Finis
Fie Acton View Heb
Cai? Beall

volume Layout Type Fle System status Capacty Free Space %hFree —FaultToleance Overhead
To) Smple Basic NTFS-——_—Healthy Goot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 250.0068 240.0068 «96% No 0%
CaNew Volume) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 250.0063 247.5063 99% No 0%
CaNen Volume (:) Simple Dynamic NTFS Healthy 500.0068 495.0068 «99% «= No 0%

Basic ©
bcernaciand 250 GB NTFS
Online Healthy (oot, Page Fie, Crash Dump, Primary Parton)
ik | |
Dynamic ‘New Volume (F:) Remake (63)
730.0068 250,00 G8 NTFS 500.00 G8 NTES
Healthy Healthy
750,00 68 sae
eran Unallocated
DVD (D:)
No Meda

Wi Unalocated Il Primary partition Il Simple volume

5:13 PM

v) le tal 4S) Fsijaois

eac:) ‘Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 250.00 GB (240,00 GB 6% No 0%
= a
250.00 68 250 8 NTFS
Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)
‘aDisk 1 “New Simple Volume Wizard
Dynamic ae
nine Uonalocated Te store data on this parton, you mst format fst:
as i wns re RENE RUN ENR RENT
eee copereaats
fetinteed || 722 On=
inallocat @ Format this volume with the following
: Tessa =
Sov-romo NOES.
DVD @:) ‘Allocation unit size: fare =

i Unallocated Il Primary partition

Performa quick
FF Seema
7 Enable fe and folder compression

5:4 PM

oreo Om