Protecting E-commerce Operations in a New Office: Security Strategy Considerations

Security Strategy for Expanding E-commerce Operations

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An organization involved in e-commerce activities operating from its home country opened a new office in another country with stringent security laws.

In this scenario, the overall security strategy should be based on:



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A. B. C. D.


The overall security strategy for the organization involved in e-commerce activities operating from its home country and opening a new office in another country with stringent security laws should be based on a risk assessment of the new environment.

Option A: Risk assessment results The risk assessment should identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in the new location and evaluate the potential impact on the organization. Based on the results of the risk assessment, the organization can determine which security measures are necessary to protect their assets, including the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information. This is a suitable approach as it would ensure that the security measures implemented are commensurate with the risks present in the new location.

Option B: International security standards International security standards such as ISO/IEC 27001 or NIST Cybersecurity Framework can provide a useful framework for implementing security controls. However, these standards may not take into account the specific threats and risks present in the new location. Therefore, while adhering to international security standards is a good practice, it is not sufficient in itself to ensure adequate security in the new location.

Option C: The most stringent requirements While the most stringent security requirements can provide a high level of security, they can also be costly and difficult to implement. Additionally, they may not be necessary or appropriate for the new location. Therefore, selecting the most stringent requirements may not be the best approach.

Option D: Security organization structure While the security organization structure is important, it is not sufficient on its own to ensure adequate security in the new location. The organization structure should be aligned with the security strategy, which in turn should be based on the risk assessment results.

In summary, the most appropriate approach for the organization to take is to base the overall security strategy on the results of a risk assessment of the new environment. This will ensure that the security measures implemented are commensurate with the risks present in the new location.