Local Block Storage for Google Cloud Platform Instances | CDL Exam

Local Block Storage for Google Cloud Platform Instances


A financial organization is working on building an application for its Wealth Management department and requires to store data locally.

Given the nature of the data, it is decided that the data should be stored locally on block storage. Which of the Google Cloud Platform storage offerings for instances provides “Local Block Storage”?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: C.

Option A is incorrect.

Filestore helps provide Google Cloud users with a file storage option, not a block storage option.

Option B is incorrect.

Regional persistent disks provide block storage replicated in two zones.

The scenario requires a solution that is local block storage.

Option C is Correct.

Local SSD is the correct option as Local SSD provides local block storage.

Option D is incorrect.

Cloud Storage buckets are incorrect as Cloud Storage Buckets provide Object storage.

https://cloud.google.com/firestore https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks#repds https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks#localssds https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks#gcsbuckets

The correct answer for the given question is option C, Local SSD.

Google Cloud Platform provides various storage offerings such as Cloud Storage buckets, Persistent disks, Filestore, and Local SSD.

Cloud Storage buckets are used to store objects like files, images, and videos, whereas Persistent disks can be attached to virtual machines (VMs) to store data. Filestore provides a managed file storage solution for applications that require a file system interface and POSIX semantics.

Local SSD is a type of storage that is physically attached to the server hosting the virtual machine (VM) and is not network-based like other storage options. It provides high-performance storage and low latency, making it suitable for applications that require high IOPS and low latency. Local SSDs are available in different sizes and can be used for temporary data storage or caching.

In the given scenario, the financial organization requires local block storage, which implies that the data should be stored on a block-based storage system that is attached physically to the server. Therefore, Local SSD is the correct answer as it provides local block storage suitable for the organization's requirements.

Regional persistent disks are network-based and provide block storage that can be attached to VMs. They are replicated across multiple zones within a region, providing high durability and availability. However, they are not locally attached and, therefore, cannot be used for local block storage requirements.

Filestore and Cloud Storage buckets are also network-based and are not suitable for local block storage requirements. Filestore is a managed file storage solution, and Cloud Storage buckets are designed for storing unstructured data.

Therefore, Local SSD is the correct storage option for the given scenario.