Security in BCDR Plan Creation Phase - Best Practices and Considerations

Including Security in BCDR Plan Creation Phase


At which stage of the BCDR plan creation phase should security be included in discussions?



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A. B. C. D.


Security should be included in discussions from the very first phase when defining the scope.

Adding security later is likely to incur additional costs in time and money, or will result in an incomplete or inadequate plan.

BCDR (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) plan creation is a comprehensive process that involves various stages to ensure that the organization can recover from disruptive events effectively. Security should be considered throughout the BCDR plan creation phase to ensure that the plan covers all potential risks and threats.

The four stages of BCDR plan creation are:

A. Define scope: In this stage, the scope of the BCDR plan is defined. The scope includes the resources, systems, and processes that need to be covered in the plan. Security considerations should be discussed at this stage to ensure that the plan covers all critical systems, data, and applications that need to be protected.

B. Analyze: In this stage, the organization analyzes the impact of disruptive events on its critical systems and processes. Security considerations should be discussed to identify potential security risks that may result from disruptive events. The organization should also analyze the potential security impact of BCDR plan implementation on the systems and processes.

C. Assess risk: In this stage, the organization assesses the risk of disruptive events and identifies potential threats to the critical systems and processes. Security considerations should be discussed to ensure that the BCDR plan includes measures to mitigate security risks.

D. Gather requirements: In this stage, the organization gathers the requirements for the BCDR plan implementation. Security considerations should be discussed to ensure that the plan includes security requirements and that the plan implementation does not introduce new security risks.

In conclusion, security should be included in discussions throughout the BCDR plan creation phase to ensure that the plan covers all potential security risks and threats. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is all four stages: Define scope, Analyze, Assess risk, and Gather requirements.