PaaS vs IaaS: Main Benefit of Platform-as-a-Service

Main Benefit of PaaS over IaaS


Which of the following features is a main benefit of PaaS over IaaS?



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A. B. C. D.


With PaaS providing a fully configured and managed framework, auto-scaling can be implemented to programmatically adjust resources based on the current demands of the environment.

PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) are both cloud computing models that offer different levels of abstraction to users. While IaaS provides users with virtualized computing resources, such as servers and storage, PaaS goes further and offers a platform that includes not only infrastructure but also middleware, development tools, and other services.

One main benefit of PaaS over IaaS is auto-scaling. Auto-scaling is the ability to automatically adjust the resources allocated to an application based on its workload. In other words, PaaS can automatically allocate more computing resources when an application's workload increases and reduce resources when the workload decreases. This is important for applications that experience fluctuations in usage over time or for applications that experience sudden spikes in traffic, such as during peak shopping periods for an e-commerce website.

Auto-scaling is not a feature that is typically available in IaaS, as it requires more advanced management and automation capabilities. With IaaS, users are responsible for manually adjusting the number of virtual machines or resources allocated to their applications.

Location independence, high-availability, and physical security requirements are also important features of cloud computing, but they are not specific benefits of PaaS over IaaS.

Location independence refers to the ability to access cloud resources from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection. This is a feature that is common to both PaaS and IaaS.

High-availability refers to the ability of an application or service to remain operational even in the face of hardware or software failures. This is also a feature that can be achieved in both PaaS and IaaS, although it may require additional configuration or management on the part of the user.

Physical security requirements refer to the measures taken to protect physical data centers or servers from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This is a concern for both PaaS and IaaS providers, but it is not a specific benefit of one over the other.

In summary, auto-scaling is the main benefit of PaaS over IaaS, as it provides greater flexibility and automation for managing application workloads.