CCSP Exam Answer: Type 1 vs. Type 2 Hypervisors

Type 1 Hypervisor Security Controls


Why does a Type 1 hypervisor typically offer tighter security controls than a Type 2 hypervisor?



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Type 1 hypervisors run directly on top of the bare metal and only contain the code and functions required to perform their purpose.

They do not rely on any other systems or contain extra features to secure.

A hypervisor is a software layer that allows multiple virtual machines (VMs) to share the same hardware resources of a single physical server. There are two types of hypervisors - Type 1 hypervisor (bare-metal hypervisor) and Type 2 hypervisor (hosted hypervisor).

Type 1 hypervisor is installed directly on the server's hardware, and virtual machines run directly on top of it. It does not require any underlying operating system and manages the hardware directly, which makes it faster and more efficient than Type 2 hypervisors. Type 2 hypervisor, on the other hand, runs on top of an existing operating system and virtual machines run on top of it, which makes it slower and less efficient than Type 1 hypervisor.

Type 1 hypervisors typically offer tighter security controls than Type 2 hypervisors due to the following reasons:

  1. Direct control over hardware resources: Type 1 hypervisor has direct control over the physical hardware resources, which allows it to provide more granular control over the virtual machines' access to resources. It enables administrators to set strict access controls and limit the virtual machines' access to resources such as CPU, memory, and storage, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

  2. Reduced attack surface: Type 1 hypervisor is installed directly on the hardware and only runs the necessary code to perform its specific functions. It has a smaller attack surface than Type 2 hypervisors, which run on top of a host operating system that can be vulnerable to attacks.

  3. Secure boot process: Type 1 hypervisors typically have a more secure boot process, which reduces the risk of malware attacks. During boot, the hypervisor verifies the integrity of its code and the virtual machines, ensuring that only trusted software is executed.

  4. Isolation of virtual machines: Type 1 hypervisors provide better isolation of virtual machines than Type 2 hypervisors, which can reduce the risk of lateral movement in case of a security breach. Type 1 hypervisors ensure that each virtual machine operates in its own isolated environment, preventing unauthorized access to other virtual machines on the same server.

In summary, Type 1 hypervisors offer tighter security controls due to their direct control over hardware resources, reduced attack surface, secure boot process, and isolation of virtual machines.