Halon Fire Extinguisher Types | Portable Liquid Storage

Types of Halon Fire Extinguishers


Which of the following types of halon is found in portable extinguishers and is stored as a liquid?



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A. B. C. D.


Halon is a type of fire extinguishing agent that was commonly used in the past in critical facilities such as data centers and aviation due to its effectiveness and low toxicity. However, it has been phased out due to its harmful impact on the environment and its contribution to ozone depletion.

There were several types of halon agents used, each with its own specific properties and applications. The answer to the question is D. Halon 1211.

Halon 1211 is a liquid halogenated agent that is typically found in portable fire extinguishers. It is a clean agent that leaves no residue and is effective in extinguishing Class A, B, and C fires (i.e., fires involving solid materials, flammable liquids, and electrical equipment). Halon 1211 works by interfering with the chemical reaction of the fire, effectively extinguishing it.

Some other types of halon agents include:

  • Halon 1301: A gaseous agent that is used in fixed fire suppression systems. It is effective in extinguishing Class B and C fires.
  • Halon 11: A gaseous agent that is used in fixed fire suppression systems. It is effective in extinguishing Class A and B fires.
  • Halon-F: A blend of halon agents that is used in fixed fire suppression systems. It is effective in extinguishing Class A, B, and C fires.

It is important to note that the use of halon agents has been phased out due to their harmful impact on the environment. Modern fire suppression systems typically use alternatives such as clean agents like FM-200 or inert gases like nitrogen or argon.