"Flash Movie | Apex and Visualforce Controllers"

"Flash Movie"


A Flash movie, rendered with the HTML object and embed tags.



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is B. apex:flash.

Explanation: The Apex framework provides the apex:flash component for displaying Adobe Flash content within a Visualforce page. The apex:flash tag creates an HTML object and embed tags to render the Flash movie on the page.

The apex:actionStatus component displays a visual indicator of the status of an AJAX update request. It can be used to show a message while an action is being processed on the server.

The apex:inputField component renders an HTML form element that is bound to a field on a Salesforce object. It can be used to create input fields for editing records in a Visualforce page.

The apex:pageBlockSectionItem component is used to define an item in a section of a page block. It can contain any other component or HTML code, such as text or images.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. apex:flash.