Cisco Collaboration Solutions: Creating Messages with Webex Teams REST APIs

Creating Messages with Webex Teams REST APIs


How is a message created using Webex Teams REST APIs?



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is B. POST


Webex Teams REST APIs are used to automate the process of creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting messages within a Cisco Webex Teams space or chat. REST APIs are a set of protocols that are used to communicate with applications over the internet.

When creating a message using Webex Teams REST APIs, the HTTP method used is POST, which sends data to the server to create a new resource. In this case, the new resource is a message.

The endpoint for creating a message using Webex Teams REST APIs is This endpoint is where the API client sends the POST request to create a new message.

To create a message, the API client needs to include a message body in the POST request. The message body contains information such as the message text, the recipient of the message, and any attachments that are included with the message.

The response from the server will include a message ID that can be used to retrieve or update the message in the future.

Option A, POST{messageID}, is not correct because it is attempting to create a message using a specific message ID, which is not possible as the server generates the message ID.

Option C, GET, is used to retrieve messages rather than creating a new one.

Option D, PUT, is used to update an existing message rather than creating a new one.