Concurrent Use of Licensed Software Control: Best Practices

Best Way to Control Concurrent Use of Licensed Software

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Which of the following is the BEST way to control the concurrent use of licensed software?



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A. B. C. D.


The best way to control the concurrent use of licensed software is through metering software.

Metering software is a type of software license management tool that monitors and controls the use of software licenses. It keeps track of the number of licenses purchased and the number of licenses currently in use. When the maximum number of concurrent licenses is reached, any additional users will be denied access to the software until a license becomes available.

Metering software allows organizations to monitor and control software usage in real-time, ensuring that the software is being used in accordance with the licensing agreement. It also helps organizations avoid overpaying for licenses they don't need or underpaying for licenses they do need.

User self-discipline is not a reliable way to control the concurrent use of licensed software, as users may not be aware of the licensing requirements or may deliberately ignore them.

Monitoring by a system administrator can be effective, but it can be time-consuming and may not be practical for large organizations. Additionally, it may not be able to detect unauthorized use of the software.

Surprise audits conducted by vendors can be disruptive and may not be feasible for all software vendors. They can also be expensive and may not be effective in detecting all instances of unauthorized software use.

In summary, metering software is the best way to control the concurrent use of licensed software as it is efficient, reliable, and cost-effective.