5G in IoT Networks: Significant Drivers and Factors

Significant Factors for 5G in IoT Networks


Which two factors are significant drivers for 5G in IoT networks? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


The two significant drivers for 5G in IoT networks are Mass Connectivity and Lower Latency.

  1. Mass Connectivity:

Mass connectivity refers to the ability of a network to support a massive number of IoT devices simultaneously. IoT devices can range from smart home devices to industrial sensors. As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, the current 4G networks will not be able to support such a large number of devices. This is where 5G comes into play. 5G technology has the capability to handle a massive number of IoT devices simultaneously. This makes 5G ideal for IoT networks.

  1. Lower Latency:

Latency is the time delay between sending and receiving data over a network. In IoT networks, latency is a significant concern, especially for mission-critical applications. 5G networks offer much lower latency than previous generations of networks, enabling near-real-time communication between IoT devices. This is crucial for applications such as remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation, where even a slight delay in communication can result in serious consequences.

In addition to these two factors, other benefits of 5G in IoT networks include higher data rates, energy efficiency, and programmability. Higher data rates provide faster communication between devices, energy efficiency enables devices to operate for a longer time on a single charge, and programmability allows for the creation of customized network services for specific applications.

Therefore, the correct options are C. Mass Connectivity and E. Lower Latency.