Cisco NSO Service Package Generation | Exam 300-535-SPAUTO

Generate Service Package Template using Cisco NSO | Exam 300-535-SPAUTO


Which two commands generate a template using Cisco NSO to build a service package? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) is a platform that enables automation and orchestration of network devices and services. To build a service package, a template is used as a blueprint for creating the configuration of the device or service. The two commands that generate a template using Cisco NSO to build a service package are as follows:

B. show running-config devices device ce-ios config ios:interface Loopback 0 | display xml | save template.xml

This command displays the running configuration of the specified interface on the device in XML format and saves it as a file named "template.xml". The XML format is ideal for creating templates as it is easily readable and can be edited using a text editor.

E. show running-config devices device ce-ios config ios:interface Loopback 0 | display xml.

This command displays the running configuration of the specified interface on the device in XML format. The XML format is ideal for creating templates as it is easily readable and can be edited using a text editor.

Option A is incorrect because it includes the "display template.xml" command, which is not a valid option for displaying the running configuration in NSO.

Option C is incorrect because it includes the "request running-config" command, which is not a valid command in NSO.

Option D is incorrect because it does not specify the output format as XML, which is necessary for creating a template using NSO.