NETCONF Schema for Device Configuration Elements | Cisco Exam 300-535-SPAUTO

NETCONF Schema for Device Configuration Elements


Which schema allows device configuration elements to be enclosed within a remote procedure call message when NETCONF is implemented?



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is B. XML.

NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) is a protocol used to manage network devices, and it uses XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as its data encoding format. XML is a markup language that allows developers to define their own tags, making it very flexible.

When a NETCONF message is sent, it is composed of an XML document. This XML document can contain various elements, including configuration data, operational data, and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) messages. RPC messages are used to invoke operations on the device, such as retrieving information or configuring settings.

The XML schema defines the structure of the XML document that is used to encode NETCONF messages. The schema specifies the elements that can be included in the document, as well as their allowed attributes and child elements. By adhering to a specific schema, devices can ensure that their XML documents are valid and can be parsed correctly by other devices.

In summary, when NETCONF is implemented, device configuration elements can be enclosed within a remote procedure call message using the XML schema. Therefore, the correct answer is B. XML.