NETCONF Configuration: Releasing Locks and Resources | Cisco Exam 300-535-SPAUTO

Releasing Locks and Resources


After a configuration request is sent using NETCONF, which call releases any locks and resources associated with the session?



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is C. <close-session>.

When a NETCONF session is initiated, locks and resources are associated with that session to ensure consistency and prevent conflicts between multiple sessions. When a configuration request is sent using NETCONF, the associated locks and resources are held until the session is closed or until the client explicitly releases them.

The <close-session> call is used to release the locks and resources associated with a NETCONF session. This call is sent by the client to the server to terminate the session and release the resources.

The <exit-operation> call is used to indicate the end of a particular operation, such as a configuration change. This call does not release the locks and resources associated with the session.

The <close-activity> call is not a valid NETCONF call and is not used in the protocol.

The <boot-app> call is also not a valid NETCONF call and is not used in the protocol.