Cloud Computing Models: Shared Hardware Resources in a Third-Party Environment

Shared Hardware Resources in Cloud Computing

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In which type of cloud model are all the hardware resources owned by a third-party and shared between multiple tenants?



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A. B. C.


Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud are three examples of public cloud services.

Microsoft, Amazon and Google own the hardware. The tenants are the customers who use the public cloud services.

The type of cloud model in which all hardware resources are owned by a third-party and shared between multiple tenants is known as the Public Cloud model.

In the public cloud model, the cloud provider makes computing resources, such as servers, storage, and network infrastructure, available to the general public over the internet. These resources are owned and managed by the cloud provider and are shared among multiple tenants or users.

This model offers several advantages over other cloud models. For example, it enables organizations to quickly and easily scale their computing resources up or down as their needs change, without having to invest in their own infrastructure. Additionally, it provides access to a wide range of services and technologies that are available on a pay-as-you-go basis, making it more cost-effective for many organizations.

However, because the hardware resources are shared among multiple tenants, security and privacy concerns may arise. Cloud providers typically implement a range of security measures to mitigate these risks, such as encryption, access controls, and monitoring. Organizations using the public cloud model should also implement their own security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data and applications.

The given solution to include Azure Resource Manager templates to automate the creation of Azure resources seems appropriate and meets the goal of automatically creating Azure resources for each business unit.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates provide a declarative way to define and deploy infrastructure as code, which enables automated deployment, management, and monitoring of Azure resources. By using ARM templates, you can create resources with the same configuration across multiple environments and regions.

In this scenario, since each business unit requires the same resources, creating ARM templates would simplify the process of provisioning those resources automatically, instead of creating each resource manually for every business unit. Once the template is created, it can be used to create identical resources across different environments and regions, saving time and reducing the chances of errors.

Therefore, the recommended solution of including Azure Resource Manager templates meets the goal of creating Azure resources automatically, making option A the correct answer.