Designing Surveys with Voice of the Customer (VoC)

Client-side Routing in Survey Design


You are responsible for designing surveys via Voice of the Customer (VoC)

You want to make sure that the design allows for questions to be shown or hidden according to answer selected.

You include Client-side routing in the design.

Does the action achieve your objective?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B.


Yes, including client-side routing in the design of surveys via Voice of the Customer (VoC) can achieve the objective of showing or hiding questions based on the answer selected.

Client-side routing is a technique used to show or hide form components based on the user's actions or responses. In the context of VoC, client-side routing allows the survey designer to specify conditions for showing or hiding questions based on the respondent's previous answers.

For example, if the survey asks whether the respondent is satisfied with the product or service, and the respondent answers "no," the survey may then show a follow-up question asking for more information about what specifically caused the dissatisfaction. If the respondent answers "yes," the survey may skip that follow-up question entirely.

By using client-side routing in the survey design, the survey can be made more efficient and user-friendly, as it will only show questions that are relevant to the respondent based on their previous answers. This can improve response rates and help to gather more accurate and useful data.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer: Yes, including client-side routing in the design can achieve the objective of showing or hiding questions based on the answer selected.