Customizing CloudPages with a Different Domain for German NTO Campaign

Customized CloudPages for German NTO Campaign with Domain


Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) uses Sender Authentication Package (SAP) for branding purposes. Their German business unit is configured with the SAP domain

The German NTO team is preparing for a campaign and wants to use customized CloudPages with the domain

How could the Marketing Cloud admin meet this requirement?



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A. B. C.


Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is using the Sender Authentication Package (SAP) to brand their emails sent from Marketing Cloud. The SAP is a combination of DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Sender Policy Framework (SPF) authentication protocols that provide a secure and authenticated way to send emails.

Their German business unit is configured with the SAP domain, which means that all emails sent from this unit will have the sender email address with the domain

Now, the German NTO team is preparing for a campaign and wants to use customized CloudPages with the domain CloudPages are used to create custom landing pages and web forms in Marketing Cloud.

To meet this requirement, the Marketing Cloud admin has two options:

A. CloudPages must use the SAP domain: If the German NTO team wants to use the SAP domain for their customized CloudPages, then the admin can use the same SAP domain for CloudPages as well. However, this means that all CloudPages will have the sender email address with the domain, which may not be desirable for branding purposes.

B. Purchase a new SAP for The other option is to purchase a new SAP for the domain This means that the German NTO team can use the customized CloudPages with the sender email address with the domain, which is different from the SAP domain used for other emails sent from the German business unit. This will help in maintaining the brand identity for the campaign.

C. Purchase a new Private Domain for use in CloudPages: Another option for the Marketing Cloud admin is to purchase a new Private Domain for use in CloudPages. A Private Domain is a domain that is registered by the customer and can be used for branding purposes. The German NTO team can use the customized CloudPages with the sender email address with the new Private Domain, which is different from the SAP domain used for other emails sent from the German business unit. This will also help in maintaining the brand identity for the campaign.

In summary, the Marketing Cloud admin can meet the requirement of the German NTO team by either using the SAP domain for CloudPages, purchasing a new SAP for the customized domain, or purchasing a new Private Domain for use in CloudPages. The choice of the option depends on the branding requirements of the campaign and the preferences of the German NTO team.