Benefits of Moving Application Development Workload to the Cloud

Benefits of Cloud for Application Development


Which two options are benefits of moving the application development workload to the cloud? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


Sure, I'd be happy to explain the benefits of moving the application development workload to the cloud.

Option A: The application availability is not affected by the loss of a single virtual machine This option is referring to the concept of high availability in cloud computing. When an application is developed and deployed in the cloud, it is typically distributed across multiple virtual machines (VMs) or instances. This distribution ensures that if one VM fails, the application can still run on other VMs, and therefore, the application availability is not affected by the loss of a single VM. This type of high availability is typically achieved through load balancing and failover mechanisms that are built into cloud infrastructure.

Option B: High availability and redundancy is handled by the hypervisor This option is not entirely accurate. While the hypervisor, which is the software that manages and allocates physical resources to virtual machines, is an essential component of cloud infrastructure, it does not handle high availability and redundancy on its own. Instead, the cloud provider typically uses a combination of techniques, such as load balancing, automatic scaling, and distributed storage, to ensure high availability and redundancy.

Option C: The workload can be moved or replicated easily This option is a significant advantage of cloud computing. When an application is developed and deployed in the cloud, it can be easily moved or replicated to other regions or data centers, which can improve performance and reduce latency for users located in different regions. Additionally, it allows for easy scalability, as the workload can be dynamically adjusted based on demand.

Option D: It provides a more secure environment Cloud providers typically invest heavily in security measures to protect their infrastructure and their customers' data. By moving an application development workload to the cloud, organizations can take advantage of the provider's security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, and data encryption. However, it's worth noting that cloud security is a shared responsibility between the provider and the customer, and organizations still need to take appropriate measures to secure their applications and data.

Option E: It provides you full control over the software packages and vendor used This option is not entirely accurate. While organizations do have some control over the software packages and vendors used in the cloud, they typically have more limited control than they would with an on-premises deployment. Cloud providers typically offer a range of pre-configured software options, and customers can select from these options or bring their own software. However, the provider typically manages the underlying infrastructure, and customers do not have complete control over the environment.