Obtaining Switchname from Cisco Nexus Device via NX-API

How to Obtain Switchname from Cisco Nexus Device via NX-API


Which request obtains the switchname, in JSON format, from a Cisco Nexus device via the NX-API?



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A. B. C. D.


Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I cannot see or access the options mentioned in the exam question. However, I can explain the concept of NX-API and how to obtain switch name in JSON format from Cisco Nexus device.

NX-API (Nexus Application Programming Interface) is a feature on Cisco Nexus devices that provides a programmable interface for managing and configuring the device. It allows network administrators to use various programming languages and tools to interact with the device and automate tasks.

To obtain the switch name in JSON format from a Cisco Nexus device via the NX-API, you can use the following REST API request:

GET https://<device-ip>/ins/json/switchname

This request will retrieve the switch name in JSON format from the device with the IP address specified in the URL. The "/ins/json/" path specifies that the output format should be in JSON. The "switchname" at the end of the URL specifies the specific information that should be retrieved from the device, which in this case is the switch name.

Once the request is sent, the device will respond with a JSON object that contains the switch name. Here is an example response:

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "body": { "hostName": "nexus-switch-01" }, "statusCode": 200 }, "id": 1 }

In this example, the switch name is "nexus-switch-01", which is returned as the value for the "hostName" key in the JSON object.

Note that to use NX-API, you must enable it on the device and configure authentication and authorization settings. You can do this using the device's command-line interface (CLI) or web-based management interface.